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My life is complicated.

So let's start from the beginning.

Once I was 7 years old....

I was sitting at the dinner table with my mommy eating my mashed potatoes. Daddy wasn't home yet, but that wasn't unusual for him. He was always coming home late. Daddy worked really hard.

I was torn away from guzzling down another bite of food when the back door slammed open and my daddy came wobbling into the kitchen.

"DADDY!" I shouted gleefully as I leapt out of my seat at the table and went running towards him.

"Eleanor don't," my mommy chided sternly and I instantly recoiled before taking my seat with a bowed head. I didn't understand what I had done wrong. I watched out of the corner of my eye as my mother got up from the table and made her way hastily over to daddy. She was whispering something to him but he kept wobbling about before finally mommy turned to me. "Eleanor, go to your room," she said firmly and my eyes widened.

What did I do wrong?

I didn't bother to ask questions. I just got up from my seat at the table and made my way upstairs. Once I was out of the kitchen I could hear yelling. It scared me. I held on to myself and rocked back and forth begging for it to stop.

That was the day that it all began....and it didn't only continued....and got worse.

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Once I was 11 years old.....

It was Monday morning and I was drinking my orange juice on my way to school. Mom was nursing Katie. As I downed my orange juice dad walked through the backdoor looking very disheveled and tired. I caught mom's glare at him and almost flinched.

"Eleanor, go to school!" she demanded.

"But mom I'll be 30 minutes early," I complained, but she was having none of it today.

"I said go to school!" She shouted exasperated. I nodded my head and made my way down the front steps. Not a moment after I shut the door the yelling commenced. I winced as I could imagine baby Katie in between the two of them arguing.

But I didn't dwell on it for long. I held tears back as I began the walk to I did every morning.

Hey guys! This was just a spur of the moment idea. I just felt like writing, and so we will see how far I get. Vote and comment what you think!

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