Chapter 2: Long Time No See

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Chapter 2: Long Time No See

Eleanor's POV


I opened my car door and stepped out into the heat. I stretched my legs before bracing myself for the encounter. I walked up the pathway and took a deep breath in before knocking on the door. I waited patiently almost sweating my skin off, before the door finally opened to reveal a boy that could in no way be my best friend.



Present Day

"Sammy is that really you?" I ask as I drink him in. He had really changed from when I last saw him. Of course he changed you idiot it has been 11 years. You're the only one who still looks like their seven years old. Sometimes I hate myself.

"Elle...what are you doing here?" He asks still in shock as he leans on the side of the door. Realization hits me like a brick. He doesn't want me here.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I should have at least called or something! I can't believe I didn't think of that, it just all happened so fast and we just had to get out of there. I'm so sorry! I can leave if you want me to," I ramble out "you probably do," I mutter to myself.

"Woah, woah wait! Ellie don't go! I'm just so—wait did you say 'we'?" He asks confused.

"Umm...yeah," I say as I twist my hands. He glances a look at me before looking at my car. He rushes out with nothing on but a pair of pants and looks in the backseat to see Katie. He looks back at me with amusement in his eyes.

"She's not mine is she?" He asks jokingly and I feel my cheeks go red as my eyes widen and my mouth hangs open.

"OF COURSE SHE'S NOT YOU PERVERT! She is eight years old, and she is my baby sister!" I scold him while I hit his bare chest. A very well defined bare chest might I add. I could hear him chuckling.

"Oh Ellie you know I'm only playing with you," He says before turning serious. He grabs both of my arms and looks at me with worry and concern. "What happened?" He asks, and I tell him everything. About how mom and dad started fighting after he left, and how I felt unloved, and how I snapped at them both, and how I had to protect Katie, and how I drove three days to get here. At the end of it all I just stared at him like he was my last chance. I am suddenly crushed into a hug that I didn't know I really needed until that moment. "Oh Ellie, its okay. I've got you. You can stay here as long as you want," he whispers into my ear as he rubs my back and I can feel a tear fall down my cheek. I hadn't cried since it happened. Just because I hated my parents doesn't mean it wasn't hard. That was the only life I really knew, and it's hard to leave sometimes.

"Thank you," I whisper as I hold onto Sammy tighter.

"Ellie?" I hear my name being called, but it's not coming from Sammy's mouth. I let go of Sammy to see Katie is awake from her nap.

"Hey baby," I say as I pick her up, "how are you feeling?" I ask her as I walk around a bit. Sammy's just kind of watching her and me interact. When he left I didn't have a sister.

"I'm okay," she says rubbing her eyes a bit. "Who's that?" she leans to my ear and whispers as she not so subtly points at Sammy. I smile and chuckle at her obviousness before turning to look at Sammy. He is staring at Katie so intensely, and with a look in his eye that I just can't quite pin point.

I walk over towards Sammy so that I can properly introduce him.

"This is Sammy. He is my best friend in the whole entire world," I say with a smile as I look at Sam. "Sammy. This is Katie, my baby sister," I say introducing them to each other.

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