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It had been a long time since she felt this cold. She had been alone for so long.

It could not compare to the winters she had endured before. Or the chill of the night.

She could not even remember what her parents look like. She could only remember what their voices sounded like as they pleaded for mercy.

Monsters did not live under the bed. They walked around in the daytime. Sometimes they even had the look of people.

It was harsh living in Elvesland.  You needed Magic to survive. A child like her. She knew the end was coming.

She shivered where she lay crouched down in some animal's den. She was hungry, too scared to move, dirty and wet.

She scared. Really really scared. She did not know the day, the time. She just knew she was hungry and scared.

She wanted to cry so much but then the big smelly men would come back. It was so cold, she felt cold. Why was it that she felt so heavy? She was sleepy but scared.

There was a loud crunching noise above her head. Her heart froze as her trembling came back stronger. The dirt roof of the hole crumbled above her and she found she was unable to gasp in fear.

This was it; her eyes went above her to where the roof had a hole now. Standing above the hole was not one of the smell men with big arms and pig noses. A boy, a human boy. Her trembling intensified.

“You aren’t a fox.” He remarked as he peered down into the hole. He was clad in hunting gear, pieces of deerskin and bits of armour he also had his bow and arrows.

“Go away.” She squeaked. “Before they find us. Please go away!”

“They aren’t anyone around here.” The boy spoke as he knelt to look down at her. “Even if they weren’t Pa would kill them.”

She looked into his face. “Pa?”

“Yeah my Pa.” He said proudly. The sun came out from behind where ever it was hiding and she was able to see him clearly. Pale skin paler than hers and reddish hair. Like roses.

“Where are your Ma and Pa?” He asked looking at her. She shivered again.

“Gone.” She sobbed. “All of them are gone.”

Reaching into the hole the boy held out his hand. “Why don’t you come with me and my Pa? He has a big army. And is really strong. One of these days, my Pa is going to be a King. He can be your Pa too!”

She looked at the hand reaching out to her. Feeling a bit lighter and hopeful she took his. He braced himself and she found herself being dragged out of the hole into the sunlight.

They lay panting on the forest floor and she found herself watching him. Everything was so big and scary but he was full of smiles and a dream.

“I’m sorry about your parents.” He panted. “I don’t have a Ma but you can be my sister and we can make Pa a King when we get strong. Or you can do whatever you want to do.”

“Why do you want to make your Pa a king?” She panted squinting away from the sun.

“Because he is the smartest, wisest, strongest man in the whole world. Everyone thinks so! So we are going around making a kingdom out of the land where everyone can be safe. He has a big army too! Pa will be a great king and I’ll be a prince!”

She felt older than he did and he had to be a good six years older. He picked up his bow and adjusted himself and she tried to find the strength to stand. He was so full of hope and it was not like she had anything to do.

She could not survive. She had no house, no family no goals but he did. Would it be a crime to follow him? At least until she found her way.

“Your hair is funny.” He said suddenly. “All wavy and curly like that. How to you manage to comb it?”

“Your hair is funny too.” She pouted before she was pulled up.

“Your skin is funny too! But pretty!” He grinned. “I’ll become strong really strong so I can protect you from guys who will think you are pretty. Like a real brother would.”

“Why would people think that?” She asked confused.

“You will be my sister. The princess, as the prince it will be my job to keep all the lechers off you. That is what brothers are to do.”

“But, will your Pa want me?”

“Yup! What is your name? Or don’t you have one?”

“I have a name.” She said her voice feeling weak. “Brana.”

“Brana.” He spoke as he hefted her onto his back. He was surprisingly hot, or was it she that was cold?

“It is a good name. Brana I’m your brother. Dusan.”

“Dusan.” She repeated softly.

“I’m taking you back to the camp where Pa is. I was supposed to catch a fox but a sister is good too. I always wanted someone to take care of like Pa does.”

She stayed silent as he walked through the forest. His back so was warm he felt strong. Only just a little while ago she had been afraid of dying but accepted it. She had been too scared to move because the creatures might have come back.

Now here he was Dusan. A boy who was not afraid to walk through the Ogres territory. A Pa that was strong enough to kill them.

Dusan had a dream; he was making her his sister. He eyes closed against the sharp light. This had to be a dream. Nevertheless, even if it was she did not ever want to wake up. To be this lucky; a tear slipped down her closed lids.

Her gratitude, a peasant rescued by a shining one like him. Her gratitude would know no bounds. She wanted to get stronger. She wanted to make his dream come true somehow. Even then, she felt it would not be enough.

How could you repay someone for giving you hope?

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