Chapter 1: Begin

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Chapter 1

The fort

12 years later

Brana eyed the heavy oak door in front of her. It was morning, a good long time past morning. Yet brother remained closeted in his room. Everyone else had chuckled at his absence at the table but she was having none of it.

She raised her foot and slammed it against the door. The sound echoed down the hall and the vibration ran up her foot. She still gave the door another strong kick.

The force of her slamming the door did not give her much pain. It hurt but she had felt much worse than trying to kick down a door.

The fifth kick gave her results as the door creaked off the hinge; she pushed inside the room fighting away the thoughts that he could have done the same with just two kicks.

Entering his bedroom, which was still clothed in darkness she gritted her teeth and went to the windows to remove the drapes. He was such an irresponsible man.

“Brana.” A deep voice laughed from under the mountain of sheets. “Have mercy. It is barely morning.”

“If it was the crack of dawn I would understand.” She said rolling her eyes flinging the heavy drapes to the floor. “However a good set of the men have had breakfast and gone off training and scouting it will soon be mid morning.”

The heavy sheets moved alerting her to two facts. He was not dressed and he was not alone. She watched as one movement revealed his arm holding his sword dropping the sword and grabbing clothes scattered on the ground.

Movement under the sheet then revealed a woman with brown hair and green eyes. Only up to her neck was revealed and she cast Brana a dark look that she shook her head at.

The woman was unrecognisable to her but she was accustomed to such looks. They were very frequent.

Her brother emerged next from the sheets an idiotic grin on his face. “I’ll be down. Take care about the door little sister.”

Brana snorted. “You must be joking, it broke because you had the door locked, fix it if you need privacy so much.” Turning around she exited the room feeling disgusted. There was a time and place for everything. Had he forgotten the important talks for today?

“Sister? That is your sister?” She heard the woman say her voice surprised.

“Yes. My little sister Brana.”

“She has a different mother from you then Milord? Or was she....”The woman trailed off her voice confused.

“She is my sister, Pa is her father. When Pa becomes King she will be a princess.” She heard him say his voice angry. “Do you doubt it?”

Leaving his rooms Brana could understand. With her hair and skin, it would call up a few questions. She was nothing but extraordinary looking.

Her brown skin and wavy black hair, she looked nothing like Dusan, nothing like Father. She smiled; it never bothered her because even though they were not related by blood they were her family.

All she had left that and making Dusan’s dream come true. What others thought were not her concern.

She just had to work harder to stay at his side. Learn more to become useful. Give her all for him because she had been given a second chance at life.

Without Dusan she surely would have died in that hole. Cold, shivering, afraid. Now that she had the opportunity to give him everything, not a thing would be wasted.

She turned down the tower leading to the weapons tower. 12 years had passed since he had offered his hand to her. She had half believed that his father would have rejected her but she had been surprised.

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