Chapter 4: Strength in the shadows

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Chapter 4

She awoke to the feeling of someone laying a cooling cloth to her head. Out of long practice, she had not moved to alert the person instead she feigned sleep until she could identify the person.

A rough hand trailed her cheek gently and she felt her heart soften. Father. The sound of another cloth being wrung out came to her ears and she felt her hands being removed from under her covers to be wrapped in more cooling cloths.

“You have something to be proud of my lord.” A voice beyond her bed said. Brana could not identify the voice but she continued to feign sleep.

Her bed dipped and creaked as Father sat on the edge. “The light to my life. I do not think I could live on if anything was to happen to her now. The way of this world is so unforgiving.”

“Yes.” The person responded. Father continued to soothe away her hands and Brana felt herself being lulled to sleep again.

“She really pushes herself to the limits doesn’t she?” The person asked. “The amount of hours she must have used to get hands that bruised.”

“She doesn’t want to be left behind.” Father chuckled in response as he cradled her hands in his large ones. “Ever since she was small she did everything she could to keep up. But my son is one person she is determined to never fall behind.”

“That is almost cute.” The person laughed. “You allow this?”

“I like strong women.” Father sighed. “My wife was a strong woman. Brana will become a strong determined woman. After keeping up with him for all these years. When she goes her own way she will not need a single one of us.”

“But that day has not come yet right?” The voice chuckled. The bed creaked again as Father got up.

“No, for now she is still the messy little girl chasing and scrambling as Dusan. My little light, wavering and growing brighter all the while.” Brana felt as Father kissed her forehead and fought the hot tears that welled up.

The firm close of her door and the departing footsteps told her that they were gone but she was unable to move. It was almost as if the weights of the cooling cloths were weighing her down to the bed.


Morning brought a surprise. On waking Brana left her room to go to the hall and encountered her brother and his warriors.

Dusan met her gaze as he removed himself from the floor. Somehow, even though she was eager to ask she found herself unable to question him. Instead, she just nodded a greeting and allowed herself to be escorted to the hall.

Something had to be afoot. It could have to do with the encounter she had the night before. It could have to do with Father’s guest.

Watching the tight shoulders of her brother, she sighed. It also could have to do with her brother’s stubbornness and inability to her anything go.

It was a fine attitude to take in the matters of fighting. He rarely lost men because he was so determined to keep everyone with him. however, in matters such as herself as usual she was the mature sibling.

One day, Dusan would have to marry. For the sake of his dream. Either he would find a suitable female when the time came. Or she would.


This had to be the first time she was isolated for others for a simple meal. The place brother and his men had lead her was a small room a little above the hall. If she were to move her chair she could peep down at the activities.

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