Chapter 6 The Crushed ones

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Chapter 6

It was old, well used the pages spoke of daily use. There were spills on some the pages and it even seemed that some mischievous child had gotten at it. Still she wondered why she was seeing such a book. The book flipped open at a fast pace and she was left looking at a strange drawing and description.

Brana woke up feeling exasperated. That had to be the most confusing bland dream she ever had. Fascination with a book? What next?

Dreams were supposed to be a place of rest. Yet she was dreaming of an old book. Still it was a much better scenario. She could have dreamed of Father returning.

Not that she dreaded it. She missed Father and wanted to see him, but to see him after Brother finished telling him everything. The weight of his fear and disappointment would crush her.

But so far she was worrying about nothing. Father was still in the north, to make things better the time that brother had to calm down. The better things would be. The incident of her killing was no longer the pressing problem.

Her close proximity to that particular courtesan was what nagged at him. all now whenever she got to close to any female he tensed up in remembrance and snarled at everyone. It looked like if this would nag him for a long while.

Putting all dreams and worries behind her, Brana went about getting ready for the day. As much as she got frustrated by their whispers and hanging around her brother the maids did well in fading into the background.

Just being where she was she could almost forget that outside the protection was a mad land. Where survival came at high prices. Soaking in the bath she was as always surprised how easily servant girls could blend into the background.

She felt if it was not for them treating her different she would not notice their presence at all. She was sure that the men and maybe even her brother thought their existence as strong as an extra soap or washing cloth.

There but until needed not noticed. Some would think it a nice thought but Brana realized she was finding such things terrifying.

In times of treachery, any background person would be able to cut down the king in a moment like this. Especially if they were many and brother or father was just one.

They might be able to snap one female’s neck but what about twenty? Especially in situations like this? And what if one was caught off guard?

Shaking off those thoughts as well as the water Brana rose out of the bath. Thinking such things now would help no one.

They wanted to create a kingdom where everyone could be safe. Others were taking their example which was pleasing but the long term still bothered her. Their greatest threat would come from the inside.

One jealous or slighted person could pull it all down. They were not supposed to think in such a way but still. She trusted no one.

The women acted foolishly throwing themselves at brother and he indulged them. It would just take one madman who had been ignored by women seeking position and power to bring it all down.


Brana always thought the people in the kitchen were invisible. That was of course until she had been reintroduced to the person that was Hannah.
Thrice married. Thrice widowed her fair face spoke of the pain endured by having such connections.
Hannah was a recent addition to the household. About four years. Her ability to pull together the women and make them do proper work was astonishing.
With no children of her own from the previous marriages she looked at all younger women and men as her children.
Brana herself was not overly familiar with Hannah but her eyes were always drawn to the bigger woman.
She had no fear of coarse comments from the men. She met each comment with a fiery one of her own.
Watching her in her element. The dining hall and the kitchen gave one that she ruled it all.
It made her uncomfortable. to see this woman so easily wielding such authority made her uneasy. Not that Hannah had done anything. Just that the air around her made it strange for Brana to think.
A woman thrice widowed. All men she was rumoured to have loved fiercely. No children at all. As she was an older woman now it was expected that the last man would give her no children. Hannah had to be at least a few years younger than Father.
And father was a man of years even though he did not look it. Hannah conducted herself with the air of one who had known nothing but blessings.
To see such a servant. It really did make her uncomfortable especially the way she was being treated after the encounter outside. The eyes of the servants were harsher more judgmental the whispers harsher and louder.
They did not know about the hunt and the save. Brother had covered it up swearing everyone to secrecy so Father would not know a moment before he should.
The men had not been able to keep their amusement of a simple woman their future princess seducing the Courtesan their leader had taken for himself a few mere hours after he had left her.
There were rumours about bewitching beauty that she possessed. Talk about her actions. Confusion about her place. And sadly talk about her loyalty.
Picking apart her bread as she watched Hannah Brana felt her heart twinge.
If she had known that being in such close quarters with a woman like that would cause such talk she would have left before she could fall under that woman's trap.
Hannah paused at serving the first table before sending her a glance. Meeting her eyes full on Brana was not surprised when the woman looked down and away before engaging a serving girl in conversation.
Her thoughts were hateful and disgusting but they still remained. Hannah might be offended at her thoughts. Others would be afraid and think badly of her but only one thing mattered and it was not even them.
She had one dream and one goal. And she was trying her best to stand there and step forward to attain it.
She wanted to be a woman. One that could stand at the side of the future king and be respected and used as the King saw fit.
Maybe what bothered her that Hannah acted like a Queen. Before Brana had brushed off the attitude as mothering. Now she was no longer so sure. This woman. Something about her reeked and it seemed like she was the only one realizing it.
Rising from her seat and leaving the hall Brana felt sick to the stomach. Her feelings were developing at such a rate it made her feel nauseous. Before she had not been happy but she not been so suspicious and even cruel. Feeling like this could only grow into something more ugly. She trusted no one and plotted fiercely in pursuit of an old dream. It would be penance to give her life to attain it.
These emotions were ugly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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