Chapter 5 :The Courtesan

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Chapter 5

“I will give you a moment to pray to your Kamisama. Don’t expect much after that however. You should know what to expect from wild men. Men who have lost and forgotten their princess’s touch.” The light flashed violently illuminating the face of the voice.

Brana woke up in cold sweat and panic, the face, voice and dream still vivid for her. Fighting off the heavy blankets covering her she fumbled for the tent’s opening. Not caring of her dress her stumbled out into the semi darkness.

The ground was hard on her feet but she stumbled on. She entered a pathway and before she could feel blessed by the smooth floor, she was hurled against a hard body.

“Hold on there flower.” The voice in the darkness tried to assure her. “You can’t just go about running like that eh Brana-chan?” Held tightly Brana looked up in the dim light to see the grinning features of Kyuruto. The same features she had just seen in her dream.

“My dream. I just had a dream about you Kyu!” She gasped as she held tightly onto his arms. His face underwent a change from joking to contemplative and something else.

“A dream about me eh? Well I’m flattered to know that Brana-chan. It starts off differently for everyone but it is a sure step in the right direction.”

“It was you but.” She shuddered thinking about it. “It wasn’t the normal you.”

“There are many shades of me Brana flower but where were we? Let me see if I can soothe the dream away.”

“You were outside, a field or a forest. I smelt the wild flower.”

“Outside huh? Kinda wild for the first time but I believe in the will power of the ladies.” Brana frowned as she heard him muttering to himself. She looked up at him as he squeezed her tighter and hauled her against him.

“Kyuruto?” She questioned.

“Well what else was I doing?” His question caused the dream to surge up again.

“You were about to kill a vast amount of people. You already had killed plenty, not just people others too and you were so vicious and cold.” The words just fell off her lips as she remembered how everything had looked and felt.

Kyuruto jolted. “Well that is not what I expected to hear next. This was not a gentle dream full of warmth and.....Never mind flower. This was a bad dream huh.”

“The worst, but it felt so real.” She stuttered trying to get him to be serious.

“So you think that this is a premonition or something? That is silly.”

Repeating what he had said word for word in her dream she watched his brow furrow. “Okay flower that sounds like me but it still can’t be you peeking into the future or something silly like that. It is just a bad dream. First off, did you see Sasuchi anywhere? Think back.”

Doing as he said she stood in her arms as she brought back up the image of her dream. There was the rain the wet grass, the bloodied men behind him. His men for the time being but everywhere she looked there was no Brother or no Sasuchi.

Opening her eyes, she shook her head. “He wasn’t there, neither was Brother.”

“See.” Kyuruto said gently. “Just a bad dream. There is no way that Sas would not be by my side. I don’t think I even have a reason to do what you described. Besides Sas and I are going to support each other for eternity. So don’t worry little princess.”

Turning her around Kyuruto pushed her towards her tent again. “This is not the place to be wandering around. Especially not dressed like that. After a day like today you need a little sip of wine and go back in your bed.” He chuckled lightly. “I don’t think you need company either.”

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