Chapter 3: Voice

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Chapter 3

“Did you need me, Brana-chan?” Brana looked up from the dining table to see Kyuruto standing behind her.

“No.” She murmured looking behind her at him. He appeared refreshed the sleep had obviously revived him. She not sure, if it was because of what she had seen but she saw the tenseness in him that she had not spotted before.

“Sasuchi told me you came by.” He murmured. “No secrets you remember. I thought you desperately needed something.”

“No.” She answered looking back at her plate. She still held the bread in her hand. Eating was not as appealing to her now. Kyuruto sat next to her surprising her greatly. Mostly because she could see Sasuchi at another table.

“We aren’t joined at the hip and I can feel the little princess needs someone to talk to.” He shrugged as he pulled a plate full of rolls to him.

“This is the family table.” Brana chided him. “This may be the hall for all of us to eat together but you don’t just sit with me.”

“Ah ah, no one else is here.” He laughed shoving bread into his mouth.

“Because brother.” She started then stopped at his sharp look. “Because Nii-san has things to do and Father is not back yet.”

“Otosan.” He corrected pulling the plate with meat on it to him. She grinned at his corrections. His way of teaching was persistent. When a person was born, they were born with the languages of their people.

When they learnt another language well the children born would know the language as well. This way foreigners knew more than one language. The land had influence as well. Just being born in a certain place could pass on the language of the people to the child.

Kyuruto was trying his best to teach her his native language. It was full of endearments and expressions. She was not ready to carry on full conversations with him in his tongue but she could use a few words and sentences.

Kyuruto would not let her forget a moment of it however. He was constantly going on about it and correcting her.

“Your Niisan is a busy man. We head out soon.” Kyuruto said with his face full. She twitched at his words. Brother, Nissan was busy. Trying his best to take her with him.

To have Father mad. She felt like a child all over again.

“Oh?” Kyuruto queried. “So something did happen? Did you see your Niisan with someone?”

Brana twitched again. She had but it did not bother her. This was natural.

“I saw you.” She whispered down to the bread. “I should never have peeked.”

“It’s okay.” Kyuruto shrugged. “We don’t hide it. We are always together anyway. We always stay by each other’s side. We do everything together. Eat, sleep, bathe, chase women so one so forth. Except we are watching each others back at all times.” He finished in a laugh.

“You are here now.” She pointed out.

“He’s watching my back.” He answered her grabbing his tankard. Brana looked up her gaze searching Sasuchi out. Kyuruto was right. Instead of their usual table among the boisterous talking men, Sasuchi was at a table by the wall silent watching them lazily.

“He is.” She said in wonder.

“And when he needs it I watch him too. Can’t surprise a person if someone is always watching them.”

“Amazing.” Brana breathed. “I knew but seeing it closely makes it all different.”

“How about less seeing, more moving.” Dusan’s voice rumbled above them. Looking behind them Brana saw Dusan and Father.

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