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AmazingPhil started a Group Chat with : Peejjjjjj Phantrash Damnisnotonfire

Damnisnotonfire: Heyo!

AmazingPhil: Hey Dan wat u doing ^-^

Damnisnotonfire: i just got back from swim practice

AmazingPhil: Oh realy. Your a swimmer ;)

Damnisnotonfire: Actually i was kidding but if ur into that i can change ;)

AmazingPhil: Your so odd Dan...

Damnisnotonfire: Thats a way of putting it. Aye!

Phantrash: Hey boyyysss!

AmazingPhil: Chris... wth :,)

Phantrash: Oh Philly, its the ship name sweets. For you and Dan... cause Dans gay for you... duh!

Damnisnotonfire: No im not Chris!

Phantrash: Are too!

Damnisnotonfire: Yeet!

Phantrash: kys

Damnisnotonfire: TRIGGERED

Phantrash changed there name; Chrissssmas

Chrissssmas: Happy?

AmazingPhil: Dan can u private chat me pls?


Damnisnotonfire: of course :^)

PRIVATE CHAT BETWEEN: AmazingPhil, Damnisnotonfire

AmazingPhil: Hey i just wanna ask you something.

Damnisnotonfire: Ask away sunshine

AmazingPhil: Sunshine? Nicknames already aye?

Damnisnotonfire: Stop.(bit don't pls) But in all seriousness what did u wanna ask me.

AmazingPhil: Oh

AmazingPhil: Ok so this isnt supposed to be creepy but it probably is gonna be because i make everything awkward.

Damnisnotonfire: WHAT IS IT!?

AmazingPhil: Can u send a selfie....

Damnisnotonfire: Hmmm... idk why should i. I look like a mop right now. 😐

AmazingPhil: I doubt that. Please danny. For me.

Damnisnotonfire: Fine -_-

AmazingPhil: ^-^


AmazingPhil: Damn

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AmazingPhil: Damn. You look like a beautiful Sunkist mop :)

Damnisnotonfire: oh. Thanks ???

AmazingPhil: Why dont you have a girlfriend?

Damnisnotonfire: because to get a girlfriend you gotta havea life...

AmazingPhi:Haha, no but seriously dont be so down about your appearance.

Damnisnotonfire: Thanks Phil your so amazing. Im still in shock that i get to be friends with you ik i sound gross but OOOOFFF

AmazingPhil: Aww, thanks Danny. I gotta go but skype me later? :/

Damnisnotonfire: of course. My names Pmltrash ¤_¤

Damnisnotonfire: Im not kidding.. ik its creepy!

AmazingPhil: i feel flattered im NotamazingPhillolll

Damnisnotonfire:ok i'll ttyl then ;)

AmazingPhil: Hehe ok bye Dan ^-^

AmazingPhil Left the chat:

Damnisnotonfire: God damn it Phil your so amazing (message not send: error)

(A/n AYE)

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