Twenty Seven

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“I still can’t believe how amazing she looked. And she won as well. My dress was up on that stage!” Seph was quite literally bouncing, giddy with joy.

And a bottle of wine. But mostly joy.

She, Helen and Spencer had gone back to her apartment to watch the awards show, ordering take out and eating it on the couch in front of her huge flat screen TV.

Lila had worn Seph’s red evening dress, looking absolutely stunning and had worked the red carpet like a pro. When she’d been asked who she was wearing, she’d gone through great lengths to explain to the interviewers that it was a new brand and to give both names, stating that she’d be wearing designs from both brands that evening. The interviewers had commented on the design, complementing and fussing over it and Persephone had sat with the biggest grin on her face, Helen’s hand in hers.

When Lila had won her category and had strutted across the stage, both girls had squealed loudly. Not only were they pleased for Lila but a win generally meant more screen time and more interviews, meaning more opportunity for the dress to be mentioned.

Seph was happy. So ridiculously happy.

And a little buzzed because of the wine. Between the three, they’d sank four bottles during a three hour ceremony and the hours red carpet coverage.

Spencer had told them that Penny had set the website to go live after Seph’s birthday. People could visit it, but they wouldn’t be able to place orders for another two days time. That way it would give plenty of time for the general public to read the fashion pages of the tabloids and online blogs.

The ceremony was just ending and it was approaching eleven pm. Helen stood up, stretching and pulling her shoes on.

“You going?” Seph asked her, pouting.

“I am indeed. I still have to go in to work tomorrow. Although I’m on a half day to give me plenty of time to get ready for your party. Which reminds me…. Present!”

She dug into her large shoulder bag and pulled out two wrapped boxes and placing them both on the table. “You can’t open them until tomorrow alright.”

“Okay, thank you again Hels,” Seph grinned at her, the grin slighly sloppy.

“You’re very much welcome. Text me tomorrow, I’ll be abusing my internet privileges at work to check the fashion blogs. Maybe your Daddy will catch me and fire me!”

Persephone giggled at her, standing up and hugging her goodbye.

“Don’t worry, they’re expecting your resignation soon anyway. And they won’t accept a retraction this time.”

“Well they’re not bloody getting one either! This time next year Seph, trust me, we’ll be a success. Just wait.”

Seph hugged Helen again, promising to text her tomorrow. Helen said her goodbyes to Spencer before Seph followed her to the door and let her out.

Out of earshot of Spencer Helen turned.

“What’s the deal with you two anyway? He’s hot. And he’s putting a lot of effort into this for you. I don’t buy that you two are old friends, you’re comfortable with each other but not in that way. He’s new. Are you two….. ”

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