Twenty Nine

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When Seph woke up the next morning she was wrapped in Spencer’s arms, being spooned from behind.

They’d retired to bed shortly after their little misadventure on the couch, stopping before she’d walked through her door and asking him to come with her.

“No more funny business, I promise. I’d just…. really like to wake up next to you whilst I still can. It’s going to be weird not having you with me twenty four hours a day.”

“I know, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do. I’ve gotten used to having you around and having the constant company, which is odd because I’m normally very happy in my own company.”

They’d given each other sad smiles at the realisation that their lives would soon be returning to normal, before climbing into Seph’s huge king size bed and settling down for the night.

At some point in their slumber they rolled next to other and now he was comfortably entwined around her body.

Seph lay there enjoying the feeling of being cuddled for a while before she felt him begin to stir.

When he realised he was spooning her, he went to move but she stilled him.

“No. Spencer, stay. I missed being cuddled like this. It’s nice.”

“It IS nice. I just thought you might find it weird after last night that all,” he whispered sleepily.

“No weirdness at all. I’m good, if you’re good with it.”

“I’m good. What’s the plan for today anyway?” he adjusted his arms slightly.

“Erm…. Get up. Get breakfast. Open whatever gifts have turned up. Read the gossip columns…. Then get ready and go to my party.”

The columns, the papers. Seph leaned out of bed and grabbed her phone, seeing it flashing with notifications.

Texts from Helen. Opening them Seph saw that she’d posted links. She was obviously hard at work today…

Clicking through them Persephone couldn’t believe the things she was reading.

All of the fashion blogs had commented on Lila’s dresses, photos of her at the after party surfacing as well. The comments were amazing, people wondering who this designer was.

The last text Helen sent had read, “I’ve spoken to Penelope. The website has already had traffic. It’s had over nine hundred hits since last night, and the Alexandra Dawning email box already has emails requesting appointments for consultations.”

Persephone couldn’t stop grinning, rolling over to face her bed partner who had a huge smile on his face too.

“This is all because of you,” she told him.

“It’s really not. You’d have got there eventually, if you’d have kept trying.”

Seph didn’t comment. They both knew he was saying that because he was meant to. They both knew the truth, that it really was because of him. If he hadn’t have found her that night, then none of this would have happened. Because Seph wouldn’t be around for it to happen to.

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