Chapter Four [V.o.R]

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Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.”  Unknown

'Clink,' 'Clink,' 'Clink'

   The loud echoing of expensive heels hitting Lady's k Salon tiled floors, caught the attention of many of the clients sitting in their chairs. Although Ryder was most intrigued by the guest as she hadn't been spotted on the East side of Topeka, not even once. In fact she looked more like a west sider; her looks alone had those part of the clientele ready to use the weapons, they needed in order to survive living on the east side of Topeka, while Ryder studied the lady.

Chuckling as the door chimed again, London shook her head. 'typical East side behavior.' She thought to herself as she took in the nice scenery of the salon.

It was modern and up to scale on her level. Turning around London looked to her boyfriend and smiled, "this is it baby. I want this to be the spot we build our store. What do you say?" Standing back from her customer's head as she took in the conversation the woman held with the man, Ryder tried keeping her composure.

Her head was spurting with burst of anger: the only emotion she was capable of fully displaying, as she noticed contractors walking in with measuring tapes and other measurement tools. It had dawned on Ryder she knew neither of the two, who waltzed into her shop.

Placing a hand on her hip as her shop waited in anticipation, Ryder tried calming down. "Excuse me but, who are you and he? This is my shop and I know for a fact I've never seen you here before," speaking towards the woman, Ryder gripped the hot comb in her hand.

It was the only thing she could direct her anger on as she waited for the woman; dressed like she was going to Milan, to respond. It had been a little past four in the afternoon and Ryder had been in somewhat a good mood since leaving the photoshoot a good half hour ago. The woman who stood before her acting as if she owned the place was dampening the mood of the shop. Music played in the background, customers and employees talked amongst themselves, food was being prepared in the back kitchen, and a few women who were waiting for their turns had started a game of spades. The intruder stopped all those things at once.

Nodding her head accepting the hostility, London placed a freshly manicured hand across the fabric of her dress and smiled once more, "Hello, my name is London and behind me is my fiancé Harlem. My realtor had given me the name to this establishment; I'm here to purchase this place. Do you know where I would be able to find the manager or someone important?"

Scoffing Ryder narrowed her light brown eyes and frowned. Her Alexithymia was flaring up and she knew if she went to respond she'd hurt, this London character's feelings. Ryder could spot the dead damaged hair a mile away that was horribly blended into a reasonably good looking synthetic Malaysian weave. Her makeup was too dark for her neck's skin and the nails she flossed were MMA: a cheaper replacement for acrylic that damaged her nail bed.

Looking around the shop everyone was looking to Ryder waiting for a deadening comeback, the ones that made it known to others she wasn't the one. "You are speaking to the owner: no one more important then I. Look I don't know what type of Kwame Kilpatrick shit your realtor is on but, I own Lady k's. It's paid for and is up-to-date in taxes. You can't have my salon. I need you to leave with your fiancé and whoever the hell follows someone with measuring tool. Goodbye, you're more than welcome to refer friends though. I'll even throw in a discount for you too."

Uninterested in the ladies conversation, Harlem overlooked the salon and nodded to himself. It was well put together and the only thing that was missing was a barbering section for the men. London was burning a bridge she could actually use; and by her, Harlem meant he. London hadn't wanted to own anything until everyone on Instagram did. She lived to compete on Instagram with the other women who had no lives, while Harlem could see himself actually making money off of partnering with the woman in front of him who owned the building next door as well. He could do something to get a few dollars out of her. Everyone in Topeka: east to west shared a profit with Harlem because it was just who he was. Being a well respected drug dealer in town did it for him. It was amazing that he hadn't came across Lady k's any sooner. The money she had already made was probably enough to open this place three more times without a loan.

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