Chapter Seven [V.o.R]

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"An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it." - Dee Hock

A loud stactic noise woke London from the dreamless sleep she was in. Laying in the middle of the king sized mattress as she tossed an arm to feel for Harlem, London realized it was her TV that had woke her and Harlem was gone.

Sitting up London yawned and rubbed her eyes as she looked at the digital clock that read nine am on the screen. It was a no brainer that Harlem had left to handle business with the West side of Topeka, but it didn't justify him leaving after an intimate night.

Getting out of the bed and unplugging her phone from the charger, London headed towards the bathroom attached to her large room. Taking care of her hygiene, showering not included, London unlocked the newest model of iPhone she had before she FaceTimed Harlem.

With her hair in a knot on top of her head, London went to her nightstand and pulled out a stick of lip balm. Rubbing her lips together she was caught on screen by Harlem who had a loud laughing Darnell standing over his shoulder.

"Damn London, you look lik'ah damn blow fish. Yo big ass lips and short face." Darnell laughed using his hand to cover his chin while mockingly puckering his lips.

Rolling her eyes as Harlem roughly pushed Darnell back, London spoke first to Harlem, "so you couldn't wake me up to let me know you were out this morning?" The sass practically daring Harlem to argue an excuse.

Nodding his head, Harlem pulled at his beard using a hand to keep his phone on his face. He knew London would be on his case about him disappearing last night, but business was business and needed to be handled. "I called round six, but been gone since like twelve or one. You ain't answer me or nothing. So lose all da fuckin attitude," holding her phone away from her face, London looked around the empty room searching for who it was that Harlem had to be speaking with.

She was sure he had been sleep deprived or smoked something strong with Darnell because she wasn't in the mood for his games. It was nine o'clock in the morning and business had to be done today at that shop in order for the whatever was going to happen to take place.

Looking Harlem directly in his eyes she blew out a chuckle that let Harlem know she wasn't someone he wanted to be around that morning, "I have the right to be upset! You're supposed to be here so we can go back to the east for that shop. Harlem you're always either with Darnell undercover ass or York lonely ass! I seriously don't see why you had me start a project for the both of us if I'm going to be the only one participating. - you know what bye, I'll do it myself."

Clicking off of the FaceTime call, London groaned and fell head first into the pool of blankets behind her. Grabbing her pillow, London let out a scream and knew she could've kept her cool while speaking to Harlem, it was just difficult when he never took her serious anymore.

Not after what happened three years back, she was tired of struggling to seem serious with Harlem even after apologizing. Nothing she did seemed to be enough to stir his mind from that night when she got caught. She was the one to propose to him for heaven's sake.

Looking at the ring she bought, London was a thought away from pulling the jewelry off and tossing it across the room. What was the point of trying when all she did was get defensive over something all her fault, Harlem hadn't forced her to cheat and he sure hadn't forced her to get rid of a baby that could've been his'. No the need to be someone famous on Instagram had done it to her and now it was nothing she could do to take it back.

Forcefully trying to remove the thoughts, London tried remembering what it was she had planned for the day. Could she put her pride to the side and go back over to Lady k's and apologize to the owner while trying to build a partnership? Would that help Harlem see she was serious about owning a business?

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