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Chapter 1

Nova POV

hey I'm nova I'm 14 an in foster care

I've been in here for a while since I was about 9

Today is adoption day just a regular day for me

Like always everyone go's for the little kids I don't mind really I don't wanna call someone who isn't my dad "dad"

Or someone who isn't my mom "mom"

As time passed I drew in my sketch book I loved to draw I draw a lot of trees that's what I'm best at

Niall's POV

So last night was not good at least what I could remember

We went to a club got a little to drunk

And well that's all I remember

Any way simon says we weren't responsible enough last night

So were gonna go see him in his office today

We got to his office

"Come in boys have a seat"

Simon says motioning us to sit down

We do as told he already looked mad

"So how was your night lads?"

He asked calmly

"Um good"

Liam responded

"That's wonderful"

Simon said

Umm am I missing something here??

"What's going on?"

Louis asked practically reading my mind

"You called us sounding mad as ever"

Harry spoke up

"Oh yes about that, you guys did not handle that club well and you need to be more responsible,

So to give you more responsibility

I'm putting you in charge of a child"

Simon explained

As me and the guys were shocked as hell

"What we can't take care of a kid to save our lives"

Zayn said

(No offense intended 1D your the best)

"Oh yeah your not just taking care of her your adopting her"

Simon said

"It's not even gonna be a boy?!"

Louis shout

"There's an adoption center down the street and there you'll adopt a child a girl to be specific"

Simon said

As me and the guys walk out and head to the car

Our lives were gonna get a lot crazier

Novas POV

As time was passing by faster

I decide to get ready I was just gonna stay on my bed

I put some jeans and a neon pink hoddie on it was a little cold

I walk downstairs as the orphanage lady called

I just sat there being bored to death

I went upstairs after an hour

Niall's POV

We some

how got lost on the way so we were

A little late

We walk in the orphanage to be greeted by a nice little lady there was other people there some talking to kids and some looking at binders

"Are you here to adopt?"

She asked


Liam responded

"Around what age do you have in mind?"

She asked

"13 or 14"

I said and the other guys nodded

As the lady walks to a desk and grabs a binder and brings it to us

"These are the girls around that age"

She said handing us a binder

We looked to the binder no girl really stood out

There was this one girl her name was beautiful



Hope you like next chapter coming soon check out my other story's

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