Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry's POV

Its been 1hr since Novas been out of surgery but the doctors still won't let us see her

Niall's POV

Novas finally out of surgery but the doctors still won't let us see her..i wanna see our baby girl

Louis POV

I'm so relived Novas out of surgery but were all still upset...the doctors won't let us see her

Zayn's POV

It's been an hour since Novas been out of surgery

We all want to see her

I feel like punching a wall we all do

We've already cried all our tears..just wanna see our baby girl...thats all

Liam's POV

It's been an hour since nova been out of surgery

The doctors still won't let us see her

We're her family...she's what matters most to us....she's our life

"Nova Tomilson"

A nurse walks in the waiting room

We all Stand up

"Novas still sleeping but you can see her if you like"

The nurse says as she leads us to Novas room

We get to her room an we all rush in around nova

Nialls POV

We finally get to see nova

She's not awake yet but we get to see her

We get to her room an rush in

She has a i.v in her arm she's on all these machines helping her breath

She looks so help less

She shouldn't be going through this

She doesn't deserve this

She's only 14

No kid should be going through this she's still a baby our baby girl

Zayns POV

It's been 10 minutes an we've just been sitting next to nova bed no ones said a word

Nialls holding Novas hand an one side an Liam's on the other holding her other hand Harry's next to him an Louis next to harry an I'm on the other side next to Niall

Liams POV

Its been already 20 minutes an we haven't said a word

3hrs past by

Liams POV

its been 3hrs since novas been out of surgery an she still hasn't woken up

Simon heard the news an came to see us an hour ago he told us to keep him updated an the fans to

the doctor came in

"ok so we dont know when she will wake up, will you boys be staying the night to?"

i look at the guys


i responded

"ok ill have a nurse come in to bring you a couple blankets, an she will also be checking on nova through out the night"

i just nodded an the doctor walked out

none of us have ate an its already 11pm

but none of us want to we don't wanna leave nova

Nialls POV

Its 3am all the guys already fell asleep there was a couch in the room harry an louis fell asleep on it an zayn fell asleep fast on the chair me an liam didnt wanna leave novas side at all

i just couldn't sleep i just sat there looking at nova

the nurse walked in she gave me a sympathetic smile i just gave her a half smile

she checked on nova

"you should get some sleep hun she'll be fine"

she said before leaving

i just gave her a half smile

my eyes kept getting heavier an heavier

i just kept fighting it im not gonna sleep

my eyes were about to close

but before i herd the voice I've been wanting to hear all day



hope you like it

ill be updating a lot more its finally summer hope your breaks going great

please keep reading an voting an commenting an please share with your friends please cherries on top🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒

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