chapter 9

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Nialls POV


i here a little voice as I'm about to close my eyes


i say feeling tears in my eyes, i run up to her bed and give her a hug

"nova,your all right your ok"

i said stroking her hair,letting a couple tears fall down my cheek

"what happend?" 

she asked 

i let out a little sigh of relife 

"you saved my life nova"

i said 

"oh,yeah i rember"

i just hug her,so tight, i never wanna let her go,i never want her to get hurt not ever again. i just want her to stay in my arms where i can protect her,and let nothing bad ever happen

"never again nova,never again"

i whisper in her ear                                                                                                                                                 we let go and she has tears on her cheek,i just wipe them away

"i love you nova"

i say

"i love you niall"

she says 

"I'll go get a doctor"

i say standing up,but before i walk out i wake up liam,whos on the other side of her bed,not even a inch away

"hey lad wake up" 

i whisper in his ear,startling him awake.

"niall what the heck"

he says in his moring voice                                                                                                                                   he rubs his eyes and turns to look at nova


he says

"hey liam"

she says as i walk out the room

Novas POV

The rest of the guys woke up and told me how worried they were. and that they'll never let anythinng happen to me. Then the docotor came in and said they would have to keep me for one more night to make sure im ok.

Me and the boys didnt end up going back to sleep                                                                                           A nurse came in at like 8am and gave me what they call "breakfast" no offence to the cook but it should be called trash.

Zayn and niall went out to get some real food and they were gonna bring it back to the room               After we ate we just talked,the boys said simon was gonna come by later in the day

it was 6:30pm when simon came

"hey nova how you doing?"

he asked waking in 


i said

"ok then lets get down to business"

by the time we were finished it was almost 8pm                                                                                               he just said to inform the fans about  what hapend and the guys dont have to go back on tour for at least anouther week


the next moring the docotor said i could go.                                                                                                     the guys brought me some clothes to wear just jeans an a tee                                                                       me and the guys were about to walk out when a lot of security came,there was a lot of fans outside

"wear these"

liam said handing me sunglasses,to block the flashes from all the cameras.                                             we made it to the car and started to drive back to the house.                                                                         my side was realing sore so i just went to lie down,i was scrolling through my phone,when i heard  a knock

"come in"

i said as harry opened the door.

"how you feeling?"

he asked

"alright,a little sore,but alright"

i said as he sat next to me

"thats good,listen nova,me and the guys have to talk to you about,the publisity and the fans and all that"

he told me

"alright,where are the guys then?"

i asked 

"i wanted to talk to you just a little one on one,beacuse this is  a little more touchy subject for me."

he said


i said

"ok nova,theres gonna be a lot of people who care about you,and whos gonna be really nice,but theres also the people,who dont really care,that are total jerks,and i want you to ignore them,unlike i did,when me and the guys were just getting famous i wanted to be wanted those people,who didnt care,who dont care what other people think,but thats what i exactly was,i read the comments,the tweets,there were even pages made beacuse they hated me,it hurt me for weeks and i hid it all though,well at least i tried,and nova i dont want you to go through all that, so please listen,and dont care what they say,or read what they make,please promise me this nova"

harry explained                                                                                                                                                       he was getting tears in his eyes,so that made me get a little teary eye.

"i promise"

i say                                                                                                                                                                           he just huged me and walked out. I cant belive harry went through all that and people were that cruel. Thats the one promise ill never break.


hope you liked it,sorry its a little short and that i havent updated in a while,ill update lot more :)             keep reading please, comment and vote and share 

Jenna,                                                                                                                                                              xoxo 

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