Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Niall's POV

"So anyone specific you guys like?"

Liam says


I say pointing to the only girl who stood out


Liam asked


I said popping the p

"We should talk to her, I'll get the lady"

Liam said standing up

Novas POV

Times almost up I see a lot of girls leaving I try not to get to know a lot of the girls cause there just gonna leave the next day

I start drawing


The orphanage lady knocks on the room door

"Come in"

I say

As she walks in

"Someone wants to see you"

She says

what I thought why does someone wanna see me wait what does somebody wanna adopt me???

Zayns POV

We were all actually really exited to adopt someone well I was

The orphanage lady comes down with a girl who was probably nova

"Boys this is nova, ill leave you guys to talk"

The lady say leaving

Nialls POV


Me and the guys chorus


She says putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear

Awwwww she's shy

"I'm Liam and that's Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry"

Liam says

"Do you wanna come home with us?"

Harry ask her

Ok that did sound a little wrong

I think as nova lets out a little laugh

"Oh my gosh that came out wrong I'm so sorry"

Harry says freaking out

"it's fine"

She says

"So we're adopting you?!"

I say

Kinda sounding like a question


"I'll let you guys talk it over"

She says

walking back upstairs

The lady comes back and gives us some papers to sigh

"All right you guys are now the legal guardians of nova Payne Malik Tomlinson Horan Styles"

She says

She's gonna have a long name

The lady walks upstairs to get nova

She comes back downstairs with nova

"Bye nova"

She says waving


Nova says

Novas POV

wait what just happened did i just get adopted by ONE DIRECTION

I just got adopted


Someone says

"Oh sorry just zoned out for a moment"

I say

"That's all right are you hungry?"

Liam asked

We were in the limo driving to the house

"not really"

I say

As my stomach growls

Ughhh I could feel my cheeks getting hot ughhh I hate blushing

"Yeah we're going to nandos"

Liam says

"Oh co..."


Niall yells pumping his fist

I guess he likes nandos

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