chapter 11

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Liams POV

zayn came back in the room,and said nova was asleep. We needed to talk about this.

"why are they trying to take her?" 

niall asked

"they said we put her in life threating situations"

i explained 

"so basically its my fault,its my fault novas leaving"

niall said,about to cry

"no,niall its not"

harry said rubbing his back 

"yes it is"

niall said 

"im the one who they tried to shoot,and im the one who started the was all my fault"

niall said

"niall stop its not your fault,and thats also something we have to talk about,simon wanted to ignore it,but its to much to risk"

i explained to them 

"liam whats going on?"

louis asked 

"ok rember the shooting,how it happend in a big crowd,well when the shooter shot,they ran away with the rest of the crowd so the police werent able to find him,there asking people around if they saw anything,but as of now,hes free"

i explained to the boys. we just talked about the court date,and that we would always be with at least one of us were ever we go,just in case something were to happen.

Novas POV
i woke up and heard voices in the family room,its probaly the guys talking I didnt wanna leave the guys,i also didnt want them to have to say goodbye,so i thought why dont i just leave,then it wont hurt as much,to leave them,i packed some clothes,and cash,and headed out the pattio,since threres stairs,i never really come out here,but this was the only way to leave without the guys noticing. 

I walk through the gate,the security was inside so it was easy to get by,i stood in front of the house,and looked at it and felt a tear coming down my cheek,i was gonna leave a note by the front door,so i started walking to it,when someone opended the door. I dropped the note in the middle of the lawn and just started running i heard a voice and footsteps behind me,but i just ignored it and cried as i ran. 

Louis POV
We talked about what we were gonna do,and just sat there for a while. 

"im gonna go outisde for a bit,alone"

i told the guys getting up. They just nodded.

i opened the door and saw nova. She just ran,she dropped something but i ignored it 


i yelled running after her,i fell and she just kept running,i got up and kept running,i came up to a four way. 


i said,running back to the house,picking up the paper she droped,

"what happend?"

liam said as i walked in.

i looked up from the note and saw all the guys were looking at me exept zayn,


i was about to explain when zayn walked in 

"novas not in her room,and the door to outside is open"

zayn said as fast as he could,the  guys were about to run upstairs,when i told them 

"she ran away"

i said sitting down.they all sat around me

"i chased her down the street when i hit a four way,i dont know which way she went,she just kept running and left this"

I said giving them the note,liam read it aloud/

Dear Liam,Niall,Zayn,Harry,and Louis,

Im really sorry,i left but i just couldnt stand the thought of having to say goodbye,i knew what it felt like so i didnt want you guys to go through it. You guys are the best, brothers, dads,the best friends ever.Im really sorry to be leaving you,but i just had to. Now i dont know where im going,but i know ill be alright,thank you for everything,ill always love you guys.

goodbye one direction


******AUTHORS NOTE*****

cliff hanger,hope you like it,ill update soon,please comment,vote,and share with your friends,and dont forget to follow me <3

bye xoxo

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