"He's a She" + "More to It"

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//fantasy gaming AU //

After our training, we all managed to make it back to the base.

Some of the females entered the locker room, and stripped themselves of their armor and clothing, to enter the large steaming hot tub that awaits them.

I, on the other hand, had trouble getting my chest piece off.

Its insanely heavy, so I ask my friend, Sorbet, to help me. She tries her best, but we're frightened by the entrance door being slammed loudly.

Someone in big bulky armor pauses there, panting heavily.

They walked around us slowly.

Their large footsteps echoed through the locker room and made us flinch with each step they took.

Who were they?

I felt like I know them from somewhere..
And then I remembered.

Earlier at training!

That guy almost blew my fucking head off with my own gun!

I placed my chest plate down again, and stormed up to him.

"HEY! You're that fucker who almost fucking killed me at practice!" I yelled. He didn't make eye contact, but he stopped in front of a specific locker.

Maybe it belongs to his girlfriend or something.

"..Practice..?" He simply asked.

"Yeah, asshole! Don't you remember me?! Anyway, get the fuck out! This isn't the boy's locker room!"

He raised his large hands towards his head.
The armor made no sound, and it was shiny.

I couldn't help but notice..this wasn't like OUR armor.
It looked more advanced. A lot more..detailed.

He revealed his face, hanging up his helmet.

He's really pretty, to be honest.
A little too pretty.

"..Good. I thought I was still lost for a second there." He said, softly.
Without his helmet, his voice sounded pretty normal. Not normal for a GUY, but..

..normal enough.

I wondered what he meant by that, and I watched him remove his chest piece.

Turns out, she's got tits. Big beautiful ones, too. She wore a grey shirt underneath, which hugged her muscles perfectly.

"W-WAIT!!" Sorbet whined.  I turned towards her, and saw her cheeks raging red.

"You're... Not a dude.." I whispered to myself.
Her eyebrows raised, and lowered again as she lowered her lower-body armor.

"And that wasn't 'practice', either." She growled.

She placed all her armor in her locker, and grabbed a clean white towel with another clean grey shirt and shorts, and continued one last sentence that left us both speechless.

"It's not just practice if you get higher points, ranking, and rewards for killing someone on your own team."

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