Chapter 12 -My biggest fear

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Chapter 12 - My biggest fear.


"- and that's about all I have for now" Dylan finishes.

"Wow, this assignment is going really well" I smile

He mumbles a yeah.

"Hey Haley, can I talk to you for a second?" Jake says as he pops his head through the door

"Sure, give me a sec, Dylan" he nods and I get up out of my chair and head out of my bedroom


"I'm going now, I've got everything I need and I'll be back tomorrow at about lunch time, stay here and keep the doors locked, you have me on speed dial if you need me, also, will you be ok? here alone with that guy?"

"I'll be fine, Jake, have fun and don't worry about me, and I've been home alone with Dylan before, don't worry, everything is fine" I reassure him and give him a hug.

"I'll see you when I see you" I basically push him out of the door and head back upstairs

"Jake was just leaving" I inform Dylan

"He's leaving you alone?"

"Yeah, just for the night, he'll be back tomorrow anyway"

"Okay," he says hesitantly

"Will you be ok?" he asks, sincerely

"Yeah, I'll be ok.." I say

"Anyway, are we done for today?" I ask

"Yeah, I think we are"

"Well I better get going then, I'll see ya around then Haley"

"yeah, see ya" I open the front door for him and say goodbye.

Sighing, I head back inside and take a seat on the couch. I watch some Big Bang theory and how I met your mother and check the time. 7:00pm

My stomach growls and I decide to make myself some microwave pasta.

No where near as good as mums, but it'll have to do. Pulling the packet out, I put it into a bowl and then in the microwave. I type in the numbers and check my phone.

From Maya :): Won't see you at school tomorrow, I'm visiting the cousins :) x

To Maya :): Oh ok, have fun! :) xx


The microwave sounded, alerting me that my food was ready.

I open the microwave door and pull out the food. I take a seat at the counter and begin eating my food.

After I'm finished I decide to call mum and dad to see how everything is going.

"Hello?" my mums says into the phone

"Hey mum, how is everything?" I ask

"Busy, very busy, the movers are coming here in a few minutes and I really have to go, how are you both doing?" she asks hurriedly

"We're fine"

"That's good sweetie, I really need to go now, the movers are here, I'll let you talk to your sister for a little while"



"Hey Stace, what's up?"

"It's boring here! I want to come home"

"You won't be there for much longer, hang in there"

"I will"

"So how have you been?"

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