Chapter 42 -

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I take a deep breath before knocking loudly on the wooden door. It all seems so familiar, but I know today I'll be walking out of Carter's home for the last time and somehow that didn't seem so bad. I know that I should feel bad but I couldn't help it. Carter and I just weren't working and he isn't the same as when I met him.

The door swings open slowly, revealing Carter. He gives me a small smile and pulls me inside gently. I look up at him and he looks down at me before he pecks my lips.

"How are you Haley?" he asks as he takes a seat on his couch.

"I'm alright. I just need to tell you something" his expression changes as I say this and I watch as his eyes darken slightly.

"Okay" he says blankly. He stares at me, waiting for me to speak.


"Did you cheat on me with Dylan?" he snaps all of a sudden making me jump back slightly.

"What? no! what would make you think that?"

"You're always with him! he's at your house all the time and you always bring him up. What am I supposed to think?" he growls and I shuffle back slightly.


She cheated on me. I knew it. Anger boils inside of me. Even though she hasn't admitted it yet, I know it's true.

I know I shouldn't be so angry because it's not like I didn't cheat on Haley. I had good reasons though, she was boring me and I didn't want to end things with her just yet. The fact that she had the nerve to do that to me aggravates me to no end and I'm sure if I see Dylan around he's gonna get it.

"Carter! I didn't cheat on you. I wouldn't do that" she protests, flailing her arms around like she's fucking crazy.

"I just don't think things are working out like I wanted them to" she says softly and I wince. I've never been in this position before.

"Get out" I say simply and she looks up at me with widened eyes.

"I said get out" I growl. I don't care if I'm being hostile. I made Haley who she is and if she can't see that then she's more stupid that I thought she was.

She stands up quickly, at the same time as I do. She looks at a loss for words as I open my front door for her to leave.

"I don't want to see you anymore, either. Whatever you were boring me anyway" I snap at her. I no longer have to be careful of what I say because she's already left me. I don't need a filter on my mouth now because there's nothing I can lose.

She looks so incredibly hurt as she rushes out of the apartment and to the elevator down the hall. I slam the door and sigh frustratedly.


I don't know where to go. I don't want to go home because I know Jake will be there waiting for me. I don't want him to see me like this, with tears streaming down my face and my make-up smudged.

I never thought Carter would snap like that. I knew he had some problems with anger in the past but I didn't think he's let it get the best of him today. I wasn't expecting him to throw me out either. His harsh words repeated themselves in my mind as I speed walked down the street. There was one person that I knew I could do to for anything. I just wasn't sure if I should bother him. It was getting dark outside and he was probably busy. I sit down on the side of the street anyway, pulling my phone out. I anxiously look around me, feeling uncomfortable and unsafe as I sit alone. Darkness begins to take over the sky and I don't want to be out here for much longer.

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