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Wade had found us again!

"Kill them!" Wade commanded. Wade's soldiers moved in closer. Gray growled, and slashed at those nearest. The largest one of them launched themselves at Gray, who just swatted the guy away like he was an annoying bug. He was nailing every shot, and every slash. Bodies fell to the ground around him. Elias and I were fighting back to back. Zach and Vik were slashing at anyone who came to close. Then a very loud gunshot rang through the air. Gray stood stock-still, blooding seeping out of a hole in his side. He just stared at Wade, then roared in anger. Then an even louder, more ferocious roar shook the ground, and a huge beast came soaring in. Up close, I could see it was a dragon.

A dragon! A beast we had all heard of, but thought was just a myth. "No! Shiro!" Gray yelled at the dragon. It didn't listen, just landed beside Gray, and growled at Wade and his soldiers. I stared at Gray, who stared back at me. "Gray...?" I asked, my voice trialing off. Then I looked at the dragon. It was a majestic, white beast, with huge blue eyes. And by white, I mean white, like pure white. It was was beautiful. I see why he called it Shiro, which was white in Japanese. "Yes, Althea, I have a dragon" Gray said. "Why didn't you tell us this before now?!" Elias and Zach asked at the same time. Gray rolled his eyes, "Because, I don't like her getting involved with my battles, I don't want her getting hurt. And, also because of precisely this reason. I knew you guys would freak". "It's a her?" Zach asked, obviously not seeing the bigger picture. "Really?! You're stuck on that?! I would have thought that you would be asking how it is that I have a dragon" Gray said. "Are you human?" I asked. "Sort of" he answered, and I retorted, "Sort of?! What does that mean?!". "It means that I am half human, half Dragon Rider. A Dragon Rider is a Supernatural with the ability to merge their mind and soul with a dragon, and have super strength, and it takes a lot to kill one. Shiro can feel it when I'm injured, and when I was shot, she came to my aid. And, yes she can breathe fire, and I can ride on her" he explained. Then he reached out and rubbed Shiro's head. Shiro pressed her head into his hand, and made a soft sound that was like a purr.

"Ok, well this was fun, nice surprise there, but this is over now! Move in and take them down!" Wade commanded. His soldiers shifted uneasily. "Now!" Wade yelled. They moved forward, but when Shiro growled, they turned and ran. Come on, little ones, climb on, I will take you to safety said a soft, feminine voice in my head. My eyes widened, and I stared at Shiro. "Yes, that was her, I didn't mention that she can speak through minds did I?" Gray said. "No! That would have been great to know!" Elias snapped. Shiro growled at him. Elias's eyes widened with fear, "Sorry," he squeaked. Shiro snorted, then lowered herself down so we could climb onto her back. Then we were airborne, flying up, higher and higher, until we were above the clouds. It was freezing and it was a little hard to breathe, but Elias wrapped his arms around me, making the experience even better. I leaned my head back against his stomach. "Happy Birthday, Ally" he whispered in my ear. Oh, yeah, it was my birthday today. "Sorry, I couldn't make it the best Birthday you've ever had" he said. He had really wanted to make me have an amazing Birthday. "What are you talking about? This is the best Birthday I've ever had!" I told him, and it was true. I mean I was riding a dragon, surrounded by my new family, and was in the arms of the guy that I loved more than anything. "Seriously? I mean, I know that this is the first one you've celebrated without your family, so it's okay" he said. "You guys are my family" I said, loud enough for everyone to hear me. Me too? Shiro asked. "Yes, you too, Shiro" I said laughing a little. Yay! Family! she roared, then blew out a plume of fire. Gray grinned. Wow, Gray grinned, no one had ever seen him grin before, much less smile. Elias chuckled softly in my ear.

"Ally, I love you, today, tomorrow, and always, I will love you" Elias said, his voice soft like a feather in my ear. I twisted around and pressed my lips to his. I might not have a way with words like he did, but I could still not only tell him, I could show him how much I loved him. Zach cleared his throat. We broke apart. Gray snorted, "Get a room you two". "Would if we could" Elias said, laughing. "Well, actually, it'd be better if you two stay out of a room alone together" Zach said. Vik snorted, then coughed to try to cover it up when Zach gave her the death look. Elias smiled, and said teasingly, "We'll try, though we did sleep on the same couch one time, and we behaved". Zach didn't look reassured. "Oh, come on Eli, stop teasing him. You gonna end up making him paranoid" I said, laughing. "I already am paranoid!" Zach said. "You know what I mean!" I said. "Exactly! It terrifies me that my little sister is now 17 years old and has a boyfriend, I mean the last time I saw you was when you were 4! It doesn't help that he is your supposed mortal enemy!" Zach said. "Hey! Could you not call me her mortal enemy? I don't really appreciate it" Elias cut in. Then he looked at me and asked, "Am I you're boyfriend?". "What else would you be?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know".

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