The Beginning

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In the beginning

It was 18 years ago when a small disturbance was reported at the international airport just off of Route 28. It didn't seem to be much at the time, just another random shooting and killing. The media reported that the shooters had been caught, justice had been served, and everyone was safe once more. After that brief report, it was never mentioned again.

But that's not how it went at all that day, not even close. That was the day the Souls made contact. that was the day that marked the beginning of the end.

Little by little, food and water began to disappear. People started hoarding food and once friendly neighbors hid behind closed blinds and locked doors. It became everyone for themselves, a free for all.

Neighbors and even friends became suspicious of each other and started outright killing people just to protect themselves. The government lost all control over everything.

Then, the Supernaturals made their appearance, not quite fitting in like the Souls had at first. Even more people started dying off, with no known causes. Suspicions and tensions went through the roof.

The Souls and Supernaturals started to band together, and wreak havoc on the world, turning it to dust and rebuilding it as their own. Then, they came across the prophecy, that there was one girl who could save the world, and there was one guy that could kill her. The Supernaturals chose the strongest of their kind, Silas, to have and raise the boy that would be their savior. The young Supernatural woman that they chose was killed off soon after birth to keep her from being to sympathetic to her son. Silas raised the boy to be a fighter, and to be able to kill the girl.

Soon after that a young girl was born to a human family, whose name was chosen because of the prophecy that followed her. Her name is Althea, and her prophecy would follow her until her very last breath.

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