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We had been traveling for so long, when we came across a piece of the woods I recognized. I was home. I found myself rushing ahead. "Elias!" Ally called out behind me, but I didn't stop, not until I broke through the tree line, and I froze. There it was, the house that I had lived in for 16 years, I had run away when I had first turned 17. My mind flashed back to that day.

"Elias! Get back here!" my father called out to me, as I was opening the door. I spun around, "No! I want to make my own destiny! It's not fair that my entire life is chosen for me!" I screamed. "So, you're just going to let the entire world be destroyed because you were being petty?" my father sneered. That's when I punched him, hard. I heard bones cracked, and I wasn't sure if they were mine or his. I hefted my bag up on my shoulder, and took off. I ran through the woods for a long time, not knowing nor caring where I was going. I just had to get away from him. I knew that there'd be crap to pay for what I'd done when he found me. Not if, when, because I knew my father. He would hunt me down to the ends of the earth to find me.

Now here I was, nearly a year later, back home again. My father was dead and I was undead, and I was here with Althea. It felt surreal, seeing that pale yellow house again. It was hard to believe that a house that looked so cheery, could hold so many bad memories. My heart thudded insanely in my chest. "Eli," Ally whispered, placing her hand on my arm. I turned to her, taking in her sun-lightened brown hair, and her stormy grey eyes. I noticed that she was slimmer than when we first met, her muscles were much more defined, and she looked more like a fighter. "What's wrong?" she asked me softly. I motioned to the house, "This is, was my house,". Ally stared at it, not saying a word. Everybody else had caught up by then. I quickly explained to them why I had taken off, and Gray asked me if I wanted him to call Shiro so we could leave. I shook my head, "I knew that I would have to face this place someday, I had just wished that day wouldn't have come so fast,". My voice was quiet and deep, and it didn't sound like mine.

Ally twined her fingers through mine, and gave my hand a tight reassuring squeeze. I squeezed back, then looked over at her. She smiled softly at me, and I felt a sense calm wash over me. Together, Ally and I walked to the house. The door was locked, but I found the key under the mat, and opened the door. "Elias! Get back here!". I shook off the memory, and Ally tightened her grip on my hand. She stepped inside, dragging me with her. The smell of cleaning supplies assaulted me as soon as we stepped inside. It seemed that our maid was still working here. "Hello?" Ally called out. "Who's there?" asked a soft Hispanic voice. A voice that I recognized. "Rosa! It's me!" I called out, and she appeared around the corner. Rosa was a small woman with graying black hair, and tanned skin. She loved working for us, because I had always treated her kindly. She was human with a Supernatural heritage, her grandmother had been a Supernatural, what we called a Seer. Her grandmother had been able to see and predict the past, and future. That's how my father had found out about the prophecy, how he found out that he would have me.

Rosa had a little bit of that Supernatural power in her, she could see certain things in the future, but not quite to the extent of what her grandmother could do. She also inherited something her great-grandmother had, the ability to cast spells. She was a Wicca, or what Ally might call a witch. Rosa had great control over magic, which made her valuable to my father, and even cooler to me. I released Ally's hand to hug Rosa, and she gave me her big rib crushing hug. She smelled just like I remembered, cinnamon and something spicy that I couldn't name. "Oh, Elias, I thought that something bad happened to you!" Rosa exclaimed as she pulled away to look at me. Then, she turned her attention to Ally, "And who might this pretty young lady be?". Ally smiled at her, "My name is Althea,". Rosa gasped, and asked, "Althea? Like the Althea?". "The one the only," I replied, taking Ally's hand. Rosa noticed that, "Wait. I am confused,". "I am not following the prophecy. I am in love with Ally, and I am going to do whatever I can to help her," I explained to her. Then I told her that we had other people with us, and then quickly explained our situation. She told us that we were welcome to stay here, and then she asked about Silas. I didn't want to tell her that I killed him, but she needed to know. Thankfully, I was rescued by Gray and Zach coming in, and then they were followed by Vik, then their parents. Gray glanced at Rosa, a question in his gaze. "She's okay," I told him, and he nodded. Nobody questioned it, and Rosa led us upstairs to a bunch of rooms. "You can choose any room you like," she told us, then turned to me, "You remember where your room is?". I nodded, and she turned and went back downstairs.

The Silk Of The Predator (Book #1 In Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang