Meeting someone you've seen before..

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hey guys its Yuro here and I just wanna say thx for reading! and also ima try to make this one at least 1000 words! I might not reach that goal but.. its worth trying!
"uhh.. Ichigo can we keep this to ourselves? I don't wanna tell the others straight away..and I'm worried how Orihime will take this.." you burry you face into Ichigo's chest (aka his abs XD).

"Sure its fine with me [Y/N]!" Ichigo replies with a warming smile and a kiss to the forehead (^o^) "anything for you..." Ichigo says under his breath.

"I didn't hear you Ichigo what was that?" I ask Ichigo
"!..Oh nothing just thinking aloud." (Ichigo's just gonna be ooc cause its hard to make him serious and yaaahhh.)
(le time skip to when you and Ichigo are walking to school ^°^)
"ICHIIIGGOOOOOOO" a playful voice of a male yells behind you and Ichigo but before you know it Keigo is on Ichigo's back.

You hear huffing behind you and you see Mizuiro with hands on his knees out of breath from running "Hey Mizuiro you okay?" you look at his current state worried that he can't walk too well "Yeah I'm fine don't worry!" he tells you and then looks up and gives you a warming smile

You also flash a smile and before Mizuiro had time you had his arm around your shoulder "You obviously know you can't walk. Just ask for help next time." you lecture him soon yanking him on your back.

"H-Hey! Aren't I heavy at all?" Mizuiro asks you in amazement "Nah you as light as a feather! Have you been eating enough?" you want to lecture him but you resist and run to catch up with the others with Mizuiro on your back.

"OI WHATS MIZUIRO DOING ON YOUR BACK?" "He was out of breath and it's easier and faster to carry him than just help him" you tell an aggravated Ichigo in a calm way so you don't cause attention.

"Okay I guess thats fine..." Ichigo soon replies after trailing off a bit "Well good, because I don't care what you tell me to do and not to do." "Guuyyss we're gonna be late!" Keigo soon interrupts and as soon as he said that, you took Ichigo's and Keigo's hand in one hand (amazing, right?) you four just about made it into class and you then let Mizuiro off of your back

~~after class and onto lunch~~

you followed the guys to the roof and you lucked out on this sneak attack, they didnt notice you!

They soon reach their area and sat down on the roof and you lucked out again cause Ichigo's back was facing you, you soon then jumped on his back and what seemed to look like you scared him out of his wits.

"W-WHAT THE HECK [Y/N]" Ichigo is sweating still from that jump scare
as you sit next to him and reply "It's my way of saying hello." after that you eat your lunch.

~le time skip to when school enndddssss yaasss~

"HEY [Y/N] LET ME WALK YOU HOME!" Ichigo yelled across the court and soon ran to catch up with me and thats exactly what he accomplished.

What a ride! [Ulquiorra x reader x Ichigo] Who will win? [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now