becoming an.... Arrancar!?!!

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"Oh... So U~Chan why are you here?" you ask while looking at the ground.

"Aizen~sama has an assignment to do.... and I need your help to complete it....[Y/N].."
he replies with a bit of...sadness in his voice!?!?

"Sure! What is it?" you give a warm smile but deep inside you were worried about this task... you didn't know why.

"...Well." Ulquiorra starts "You need to come to Heuco Mundo with me.." he ends looking down at the ground his face covered in guilt.

"oh.. Sure! I don't mind!" you say not faking being happy. You were really excited to meet the Arrancars.

"Are you sure [Y/N]? Heuco Mundo is a scary place... especially for someone as soft as you." he states still looking down.

"I'll be fine U~Chan!" you exclaim "but first I need to train with Kisuke~chan so I'll be ready!"

"Okay. Inform me when your ready to go." Ulquiorra says with nothing but blankness in his voice as he tries to put on a smile, but his face just shows guilt.... and just guilt.

"I will!" you say and with that, you leave back into Kisuke's shop.

~~~~~~after training ~~~which was only 7 hours btw

"Ulquiorra! I'm done trainingggg!" you exclaim running up and fail to tackle him.

"Okay. So your ready to go?" he asks looking at you straight in the eyes.

"YEEEUUUPPPPP" you tell him and he gives you a chain/skull like bracelet.
"What's this?" you put the bracelet on your wrist and then look back up at him.

"It will unlock your Arrancar powers." he states as he points to the bracelet.

"oh. Okay!" your face expression turns from a smile to a scared/'you don't know what's going on' emotion. Before you know it you were in the los notches area.

"We're here." Ulquiorra informs as he turns into his release form and flies at speeds like 100 mph maybe more, and then you were at Heuco Mundo.

"Its a nic--" you were cut off "We're going to Aizen so show him respect. He might lecture you if you don't. Just a heads up" Ulquiorra Informs once again.

"Ah. got it." and with that Ulquiorra flies to a double door.

"Welp here it is." he told you. You also noticed he was already out of his release form and also that he put you down.

"O-Okay." you were obviously nervous but you tried your best to show your strength in your spiritual pressure.

You walked in and heard musky kind of voice "You must be [Y/N]. Glad to see you came." you looked up to see a man sitting in a throne with brown hair and brown eyes. Plus the original Arrancar uniform. You instantly get on one knee after realising who you were looking at. Sosuke Aizen.

"I'm glad to be here Aizen~sama." you reply in the most strongest and politest manner you could muster up.
"Ahahah. No need for such a polite manner!" Aizen stated. You didn't expect him to actually be... nice to you

"O-Oh! s-s-sorry!" you couldn't stop stuttering... you weren't this jittery since your last hard test in school, which was in 3rd grade.

"[Y/N]. I said you don't have to be so formal." Aizen stated with an extreme face on.

What a ride! [Ulquiorra x reader x Ichigo] Who will win? [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now