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You invited Inoue to your house for a sleepover and you set up a water trap at your door so excitedly, you couldn't wait to kill Inoue so you can have all the boys head over heels for you so then you can break their poor hearts "heheh" you giggle to yourself "Inoue won't know what's coming hehehe" you then get your knife ready as you also had your trap ready. "Any second Ino-" you were interrupted by Inoue knocking on the door.

"Its open!" you yell trying to make it sound as though you were in the kitchen and it worked! Inoue walked through the door and screamed only to have water fill her lungs and then, you stabbed her making her not knowing who did it. "Heheh" you giggle once again "Gotcha." after talking to yourself you put Inoue's body in a big backpack and burn the body within the backpack with a lighter behind your house.

~~~a few hours later~~~

You sat in your home in your bloody clothes "I should really change clothes before someone comes o-" you were interrupted by a knock on the door and you saw Ulquiorra (hope I spelled that right '^°^) in front of you and he just waved and said "hello woman. Why are you bloody." he said more in a statement than a question.

"uhh. I kinda killed a soul reaper..." you reply then only to be talked coldly but nicely to.
"I see. I'm very proud of you woman, I see you've learned to adapt to the arrancar ways." all you do is force a smile trying to hide your worry "thanks Ulquiorra." you tell him only to have a cero pointed in your direction.

"Hmm? what's this Ulquiorra?" you ask him staying calm because your calm no fear included (XD) "Because you killed Orihime." he says with no emotion but anger.

"I hated her simple, she thought she was so pretty and popular when she wasn't. She was just a spoiled brat that had everyone under her little spell." when you said that Ulquiorra instantly fell to the ground.

"YYou're saying... she had me under a spell this whole time?" Ulquiorra asked you with anger in his voice, anger at himself for falling for Orihime's spell or he thought.

"yes. She just wanted attention and love. You see it now?" you ask Ulquiorra getting closer every minute but slowly because you didn't want him to back away. After a good few minutes of tricking Ulquiorra into thinking that Orihime was a girl for attention you finally got close enough to pat his head and give him a warm smile.

"I-I fell for her trap..." Ulquiorra said and sighed in defeat"yes you did Ulquiorra, don't worry everyone did, not only you..so did Keigo, Mizuiro, Chizuru, Tatski, and much more." you told Ulquiorra trying to comfort him and after more than three hours of convincing Ulquiorra you kissed his forehead to comfort him and told him that he should go home to whatever that place Aizen ruled (XD so far back rn in skill) because it was getting late.

Thur you goooo my peoplleess this is just a special cause I got bored and also a teaser for my next chapter ~~! hehe well byee!!

What a ride! [Ulquiorra x reader x Ichigo] Who will win? [ON HOLD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz