8. First meeting

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When I wake up in the early morning hours the sun rises and I'm still tired, but I just can't sleep anymore, because I'm nervous about meeting Robin today. Actually I'm a bit scared. I've never really been scared about meeting people, but I am now. I used to be the one to make the others feel nervous and intimidated by myself, but that's in the past now. I wore heels and perfectly fitting dresses to archive just that. Paired with an intimidating glance it worked perfectly, not only at work and at court, but also in life. I know how to dress, but it won't help me when I'm in that chair, not able to be at eye level with other people. Now they look down at me. It won't help me anyways, at least not with Robin. He won't see me as the strong woman I used to be, but instead he will see me on my worst days, when I'm feeling weak and vulnerable. Still, I'm scared. That's totally irrational and I know it, but I can't change it. Daddy already said that Robin is the best choice for me so the meeting can't be that bad. I just hope I'll get along well with him. I'm determined to make it work for my parents sake. I always wanted them to be proud of me.

Right after breakfast a nurse pics me up, because Maura wants to do an MRT scan and some X-rays to see how my injuries are healing. If everything looks good I'm officially allowed to go home tomorrow. Back in my room Tink is already waiting for me. Today we focus more on strengthening the muscles in my arms, which I'll need if I want to get in and out of my wheelchair without help. It's hard work, but I won't give up. I've always been in a good shape, but I mostly went jogging and horse riding, two things I won't be able to do ever again.

My body hurts a lot and when the session is over, I'm tired and exhausted, but I feel better than yesterday. With the help of some painkillers I can sleep again. Only half an hour later I feel someone softly touching my arm. I slowly open my eyes. Daddy smiles at me "Sorry I have to wake you up honey. How are you feeling?". "I'm better now, thanks to the medicine." I tell him. "It takes time for your body to heal Regina. You've been badly injured. I'm sure you'll feel better once you're home. I already talked to your doctor and she said you're ready to go home tomorrow. I'll take some of your stuff home today so there isn't much left when Robin takes you home tomorrow. He volunteered and I think it's a great idea. I gave him a key to your apartment, just to make it easier. By the way he is waiting outside. I'll send him in now. Be nice to him. See you on Sunday morning at home." he says and gives me a quick kiss on my forehead before leaving with my suitcase.
Five minutes later Robin knocks on the door before he enters my room. I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to slow my rapidly beating heart down. He seems to be rather nervous himself when he slowly takes a few steps towards my bed. "Nice to meet you milady. I'm Robin Locksley at your service." he says in a thick British accent with a smile on his face as he shakes my hand. I just have to grin at his choice of words. He is definitely not who I expected. He is better and quite handsome with his dark blonde hair and these ocean blue eyes one could drown in. There is something special about him that makes me feel comfortable around him, but I'm not sure what exactly it is. I just can't explain it. I never imagined that I'd like him, but I have to admit that I do. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

"Regina Mills, just call me Regina. There is no need for calling me milady." I introduce myself. He takes a seat next to me. "Oh believe me, there is. I saw a little smile on your beautiful face." Robin compliments me making me smile and blush slightly. I look down at my hands hoping that he won't notice it. How is possible that a stranger has such an effect on me? I don't even know what to say and luckily I don't have to. "Since we'll spend a lot of time together in the next months, we should get to know each other, don't you think?" Robin asks. "I believe you're right. So tell me about yourself." I say playfully. "I have a better idea. Why don't we just say one thing about ourselves alternately?" Robin suggests. That sounds pretty interesting. I challenge him "I like that idea. Okay you start.". "I have a five year old son named Roland." he starts with something easy. "What a lovely name." I tell him honestly "I don't have kids, but my sister Zelena has a son. His name is Henry and he is ten. We often spend time together.". "I have a younger brother, John." Robin continues. I pick up a new topic "I like cooking, especially Italian. My favorite dish is Lasgna, with a secret ingredient.". I smile playfully at him. "I do cook too. Usually I make whatever my son wants." Robin says with a laugh. "I also enjoy reading. Now I have the time for it." I confess while looking into his blue eyes. Looking down he says "I love reading too. I've been professor for English literature at Columbia.". I'm surprised by his words. "Why aren't you anymore?" I ask curiosly. It must be a very difficult topic for him so he says "That is a story for another day milady." to avoid an answer. Pretending I didn't hear the sadness in his voice I smile and go along to make it easier "One day you have to tell me more. I'm sure we'll find the time to talk about some books we've both read.". Robin looks up to me again "Of course we can do that. I believe there is more we have in common, but regarding the time we better continue this tomorrow.". "Yes you are probably right. When will you be here tomorrow? And would it be possible to walk home?" I ask him and quickly add "It's not far and the thought of sitting in a car again still scares me.". I should be honest with him. Starting our relationship based on lies won't help the two of us. "Whatever milady wishes. I'll be here at eleven okay?" Robin proposes. "Sure, that's fine with me. There is an empty parking space belonging to the apartment you can use, but I believe my father already told you." I tell him. "Yes he did. See you tomorrow." Robin bows to me making me laugh. "Bye" I say before he closes the door behind him.

He is so not like I imagined him to be. I feel so comfortable in his company. I can just be myself. It felt so good to be honest and talk openly about anything. Still I was careful not to touch a topic I'm not ready to talk about yet. Now I truely think it's possible for us to become friends in the future. Later Maura comes by to talk about the results of the tests. All of my injuries are healing well, exept of the nerves in my spinal cord of course. However there is still a small chance they'll heal eventually giving me back a feeling in my legs, but she reminds me again not to keep my hope up too high. Zelena visits me in the late afternoon with Henry this time. Once again we go outside for a walk in the park. On the way to the playground Henry tells me about everything he has learned in school. When he is off to play I tell my sister about Robin. She wants to know every little detail. She is very curious and sometimes it's annoying, but today I don't mind.


I've been so nervous about meeting her. I feared she'd be like her father told me, but she wasn't like that. Instead she is nice and beautiful, even a bit sassy and she smiles often. Of course I didn't miss the sad look in her eyes. It's the same I see when I look in the mirror. She didn't let the sadness take away her smile. That's strength and not weakness. I never thought I'd say it, but I like her.

I pick up Roland in the evening and stay for a short chat with my parents to tell them about the meeting. At home I finish packing his and mine suitcase. In the meantime he fell asleep on the couch while watching cartoons. I just bring him to bed and choose a book for me to read until it's time to go to bed.

Now there is chapter eight. They finally have met! It turned out better than I thought it would. Please leave likes and comments. 😘

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