16. Daniel's funeral

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When I wake up around seven Regina is still fast asleep. I let her sleep as long as possible before waking her up from her much needed rest with breakfast in bed. Regina doesn't eat much telling me she isn't hungry. Knowing what she is going through I'm sure she is nervous and scared. It feels like you'll throw up if you eat anything.

After a shower I give her all the time she needs to choose her outfit for the day. When an hour has passed and she still hasn't called for me to help her dress I go in to see what's wrong. I find her crying, her hands covering her tear stained face. She doesn't even respond when I call her name and neither does she look up when I kneel down beside her and pull her shaking body into my arms. I don't say a word because I know there is nothing I can say to take the pain away. So I just hold her until she calms down and the tears stop falling. She is completely absent and emotionless once I let go of her and help he to sit up again. It feels like she is looking right through me without even noticing my presence.

I end up choosing Regina's outfit for today, a knee length black dress with lace sleeves combined with black boots, a beautiful black coat and a matching hat that allows her to hide from people. By now I know many different sides of Regina, but I've never seen her like this.

I hoped she'd be better when seeing her sister, who I asked to join us on the car ride to keep her company and calm her down if needed, it's her first time sitting in a car after the accident but not even Zelena can lift her mood. During the whole ride Regina is quiet. Every few minutes I can hear Zelena softly talking to her.


Robin wakes me up in the morning with breakfast in bed. I can't get anything down, but I try to eat at least a bit for his sake. He put si much effort into it. I'm beyond nervous and scared. Daniel's death is becoming real now. Every single minute that passes brings me closer to that moment I fear.

When Robin leaves me alone after my shower to choose my outfit it's all too much and I break down and cry. I don't care to react to him calling my name or when he pulls me into his arms. I just sit there and let him hold me until I calm down and I'm all cried out. Now I just feel empty inside. I don't ask, why Zelena is suddenly here. Her presence, the way she holds my hands and talks to me, especially in the car, comforts me, even though I can't tell her how much it means to me.


When I see Daniel lying in his coffin tears start to fall again. Somehow he still is still able to take me back to reality. I place the red rose mother gave me in his hands which are folded on his chest. I place a kiss on his cold lips and whisper a soft "Goodbye Daniel. I love you, forever." into his ear before turning around to signal Robin that I'm ready to take our seats.

During the service we sit in the first row, Robin on my right side and daddy on my left. He changed places with Zelena so she can be with Henry.

I can't pay attention to pretty much anything and instead I solemnly focus on Robin holding my hand and drawing circles on the back the whole time. Every few minutes a tear escapes my eyes, rolls down my cheek and falls onto my lap.

Suddenly the priest walks down to me and hands me a microphone. Robin must have seen the confused and shocked expression on my face and reassures me "It's time for your speech. I know you can do this. Remember what we talked about? You can always hand me the microphone and I'll read the speech.". I quickly nod and frantically try to pull the paper out of my purse with my shaking hands.

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