5. The interview

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My alarm goes off at seven, but I'm already wide awake. I couldn't sleep because I'm so nervous about the job interviews I have today. I hope that at least one of them goes well so I'll get the job. The last job interview I had was years ago when I applied for the job at Columbia. So many things can go wrong. I get up and start making breakfast for Roland and me. I decided to make some pancakes with different fruits on them. For Roland I form a smiling face made of bananas, blueberries and strawberries on his pancakes, which he likes a lot. After I put our plates down in the counter I go and wake up my son. With Marian we used to have breakfast on the dining table, but since her death we usually eat on the counter connected to the kitchen. We both don't want to sit there without her, because it doesn't feel right and the memories of happy Sunday mornings and late breakfasts are still too painful. Roland is still asleep, but I have to wake him up so I won't be late for my first job interview. When we finished our pancakes I help my son get dressed before I put my own clothes on. I wear a pair of dark blue jeans paired with a white button down shirt and black shoes. We take the subway to my brother John's apartment. He'll take care of Roland until I'm back from the job interviews. For the first one I take the subway to the Lower East Side. The building is easy to find, because it's one of these huge office buildings with different firms inside. I ride the elevator to the 25th floor owned by a law firm called Mills&partner. I'm wondering why it takes place here since I applied for a job as a companion for everyday life and not as a lawyer, but I didn't ask when a man called me yesterday to invite me. I walk up to the young woman sitting at the front desk and ask politely "Excuse me? I'm here to see Mr Mills". "You must be Mr Locksley, correct?" she asks me. "Yes" I answer quickly. "Follow me" she says as she leads me to a conference room. "Just wait here please. I'm sure he'll be here soon." she tells me before going back to the front desk. I'm really nervous now, but luckily I don't have much time to think about it. Only a few minutes later the door is opened and an older man walks in followed by a woman. We shake hands and they introduce themselves as Mr and Mrs Mills.

"At first I'd like to thank you for your interest. We've already received your letter of application along with your CV. It says you taught at Columbia and yet you apply for completely different job. Can you explain it to me?" he asks me when we sit at the large table.

That's a tough one for the start, but I expected that question "Yes of course. My wife had cancer and when she felt too ill I decided to stay at home. Since we didn't know how much time we had left I wanted to spend all of my time with her and our son. She died earlier this year and I decided to find a new job. I'm not ready to go back to Columbia yet. Maybe after some time I'll go back.". He smiles sympathetically at me "I'm very sorry for your loss.". "Thank you" is all I can say. It's still to hard for me to say more without breaking out in tears. "Why do you think you are the best for the job?" he goes on with the next question.

This one isn't easy either, because I know it's easy to screw the answer up,
but I'm prepared. "I'm certainly not a professional and the most qualified you can find for the job, but I believe exactly that makes me a really great choice. I want to help your daughter get her life back and show her that she can still enjoy it. I'd like to go on day trips and do things she liked before if that's okay with you of course. It's important for me to build up a relationship so she won't see me as the man who is hired to look after her, but more as a friend." I tell him honestly believing telling the truth is my best option. "That's quite an interesting answer Mr Locksley." Mr Mills says. It seems like it was right to be honest with him.

The following questions are easier for me. He asked me some more about myself, Roland and so on. It's clear that he cares a lot about his daughter and he only wants the best for her. He seems to be very nice and caring. I imagine he must be a great father. He is a complete contrast to his wife, who seems to be rather strict. It feels like she wants to scare me and only waits until I make a mistake, but it's not working. During the whole interview Mrs Mills stays quiet. She asks not a single question, but she listens closely while taking notes.

Soon the interview is over and it even went much better than I thought it would. It's the most interesting job I applied for and I hope I'll get it. I go to some more job interviews that day, but none were as good as this one and the jobs weren't that interesting.


I the evening I pick up Roland from my brother's apartment. He runs into my arms and I pick him up. "How was your day with oncle John?" I ask him. His eyes light up as he tells me "It was awesome daddy. We've been to the zoo and then we ate ice cream!". "Sounds like you two had a lot if fun." I say to Roland. I turn to my brother standing in the doorway "Thank you for looking after him". "It was my pleasure. You know I like spending time with my nephew. So how did the interview go?" he asks me. "The first one went well and I hope I'll get the job, but the others weren't that great." I tell my brother while I notice that Roland gets sleepy in my arms "Anyway we should leave now, it's getting late. Bye John, I'll see you soon.". "Bye and good luck with that job!" John says before I turn towards the stairs. "Thank you!" I tell him as the door closes.


At home I lay a now sleeping Roland on the couch and I quickly make us some sandwiches. I wake up Roland and we have dinner in the living room, because he insisted on watching a Disney movie with me. So together we watched his favorite, Finding Nemo. He soon fell asleep curled up in my lap. I run my fingers through his curly hair as he snores lightly. He is just so cute when he sleeps. Watching him sleep calms me down and I'm so glad to have him, because I don't know what I would do without him. Knowing that he needs me now more than ever is all I need not to give up. I do it for him, looking for a job and getting our lives back on track. Before it gets too late and I fall asleep myself I carefully pick him up and bring him to his bed. Luckily he doesn't wake up while I change him into his pajamas and tuck him in. I kiss his forehead and get ready for bed myself. It doesn't take long until sleep claims me.

Here is chapter 5 for you. I hope you like it. Please like and comment your opinion 💕

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