Waking up in camelot

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I quickly duck as the demon's fireball goes right above my head. I move my hand and the evil creature flys across the dark ally and hits the wall at the dead end. I grin as it looks at me in fear and hate. I through the vile i held in my hand at it and fire surrounds it. He is sent to the waistland, where all the vanquished demons end up in.
The little boy he tryed to kill, is now unconscious. I take the boy to the hospital and let the doctors examen him.
"Will he be alright?" i ask one of the nurses impatiently.
"He has a miled concussion but he will be just fine." she says with a smile. I smile back. "And his mother, father, guardian, has anyone been in contact?" i ask her in a clearly worried tone. "His older brother is on his way here as we speak." she answeres and walks back into the room she came out of.
I sigh in relief and walk back to my small apartment. I change into my pajamas and try to sleep, and fail. I can't help but think about my sister, sophie, and how she died. She was the only family i had left. And like the others, my mum, my dad, gone. It happened only a month ago, we were fighting demons, kicking ass, when one of their blades hit her back. I tryed to save her, but i was too late. She died only seconds after the blade hit her. The poison spreading quickly as she let out her last breath. I lay on my bed, thinking about her. Suddenly, an idea popps in my head. I get up and open the book of spells that my mother passed down to myself and sophie. I place eight candles in a circle. I draw a door on the wall using a pencil. I light the candles one by one. Then, I read out loud a spell from the book. "Open this portal take me back open my eyes let me travel though space and time" i say loundly. My eyes glow gold and a portal appears in the place i drew the door. I walk towards it and finally, enter. This is it. I'm finally going to see my sister once again. I think to myself as i continue walking through the portal i've created.
Finally i land roughly on the ground, just a second ago i was on my feet, and now, laying on the ground. Great. I open my eyes and see my surroundings. I realize i am laying on soft grass. I look up and see many trees around me, very tall trees. Everything is peacful and so, green? This looks nothing like any place i have ever been to, i only saw places like these in movies and pictures.
I slowly get up, holding my head that still hurts from the landing.
"H-hello? I-is anyone here?" i shout out for help, wondering where i am. I wait for an answer but there is none. I shout out again, and still no reply. I decide to start walking, hoping that my sense of direction won't fail me now. I am walking for about two or three hours now when i hear horses ride towards my direction. I stay where i am, since whoever they are, i can probably handle them. I see them more clearly now. They are riding towards me. I see four men, three of witch look very important, and the fourth looks quite modest and casual.
They stop their horses as they get close enough to me. There are now less then three meters apart from myself and the men. I watch as one of them gets off his horse, and the others do the same.
"Who are you?" the one who seems to be leading them asks me.
"I can ask you the same thing" i say back, not wanting to give away anything until i know exactly where i am and why.
He takes another step towards me. He looks at me curiously. "I am arthur, and you are?" he says, and instead of giving him a straight answer, i reply back with my own question. "Where am i?" I ask him as i look around. "You are in camelot" one of the men from behind replyed.
Camelot? How can i be in camelot? I was supposed to go back in time but only to see me sister... And instead it took me to freaking camelot?! Stupid portal. I wanted to slap myself that second. How am i gonna get back? Am i ever? Is this somehow meant to be? And then all i could think about are curses and bad words wanting to escape my lips.


Okay, so that was this story's first part! I really hope you liked it and thanks so much for reading!
More parts will come out soon c;

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