freezing bandits

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I have decided i am staying in camelot. I asked if he needed any help and he sent me off to pick some herbs, so here i am, in the forest, picking herbs. I feel so useless, it's in my blood to save people, to fight evil and instead i'm picking herbs. I really need to find myself some kind of evil to vanquish, theres no way i'll spend the rest of my life here picking herbs. Suddenly, i hear horses ride behind me. I turn around and see the king, some knights and merlin. They ride towards me and i smile at merlin.
"We really have to stop meeting like this" arthur jokes. I chuckle and nodd with agreement.
"So what are you doing in the woods alone?" he asks me.
"Gaius sent me to pick some herbs" i answer. "Well we better get going then, a long day of hunting awaits." he says and points his head towards the direction they are riding in. Just before they are about to leave i ask if i can join them. Some of the knights laugh at the question, but the king lets me ride with them, or in my case walk since i don't have a horse. It's quite annoying how disrespect women are here, so underrated and used for all the wrong things. But i try to keep my feminism to myself since it's not really accepted in this time.
That's why people look at me strangely here, i refuse to wear a dress and act like a 'proper lady'. What does that even mean? I think that's why arthur let me hunt with them in the first place. We keep rid- walking until we get deeper in the forest, well, deep enough. Then, they get off their horses and ready their weapons. Then, one of the knights notices a rattle in one of the bushes. We all walk slowly and quietly towards the bush and the knights and arthur point their weapons at it, me and merlin behind them. I then thought i'd do something helpful, i freezed the animal that was in the bush for a few seconds, giving them enough time to take a proper look at where it is exactly. Then, i hear it fall on the ground, arthur had shot it. I looked to see what he killed, it was a baby dear. I knew something like this was gonna happen, i didn't know what i was going to feel when it did, but i cirtenly didn't expect to feel so bad about it. We killed a living animal. A sweet, harmless baby dear is dead because of us. I look at the lifeless creature, it was so beautiful once, it had his life ahead of him and we killed him. We took his life, and for nothing. I look away, trying to clear my mind off the dear but i can't, and the cheers of the knights aren't helping. How can they be happy about this? A single tear falls and slides on my cheek. I wipe it away.
"Success!" arthur yells after he examens the lifeless dear for a while.
Then, me and merlin collect firewood and i start the fire while merlin prepares a pot with food in it, witch i am guessing will be some sort of stew. The knights and arthur sit together. They laugh and joke around, while me and merlin prepare the meal and keep the fire going. After we eat we prepare our sleeping bags and eventually we all fall asleep.
She's coming, they're coming. The end of arthur, of camelot. It's too late. It's too late. Blood, so much blood. People, children, screaming, hiding. A battle neither sides will win.
I wake up from my dream. It was horrible. The sight of arthur dying, of the battle. And from what i know about the tale of king Arthur, this was no ordinary dream. This was a vision, a warning. I knew i couldn't go back to sleep tonight, so i stayed up and gaurded the place. Minutes later a hear a branch break from behind a large bush. I stand up on my legs and walk slowly towards the bush. Then, bandits attack us. Arthur is the first to wake up, followed by merlin and then the knights. They prepare to defend but before anyone could, i freeze the scene. I couldn't risk any of them getting hurt. Merlin doesn't freeze of course, good witches don't freeze. But he does look suprised when the bandit who started attacking him was now frozen. He turnes to me. "You did this?" he questions, and i just nodd. "So what now?" he asks me, gesturing to the bandits.
"Well we can either kill them, or just knock them out.. Your choice" i say with a grin. He decides to knock them out and that's what we do. When they are unconscious and on the ground i unfreez the knights and arthur. They look confused for a moment but then quickly tie them up. The sun rises and we head back to camelot, draging the unconscious bandits with us. When we get back to camelot the bandits are put in the stocks.
Merlin and i go to the physician's chambers where he informs me there will be a celebration tomorrow night due to the king's birthday.
Well that should be... Interesting. I wonder if it will be like a ball. Oh my god what if it is a ball? I need a dress. Wow, a witch in a dress, nice.
I think to myself, my thought is disrupted by merlin's words.
"So are you going to wear a dress?" he smirks. I laugh. "Maybe..." i say with a grin, it's like he read my mind!
"i'm sure i can manage to conjure myself a decent dress" i say as i smile to myself imagining how it will look like. "Well alright" he chuckles and leaves to his room.
Well, better start working on that dress for tomorrow night. I sigh happily at the thought.
"Merlin, do you have any candles?"
I'm doing this.

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