Hated by the queen

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The man who said his name is arthur looks at me. I don't know what to say but i look back at him, trying to look confident even though i'm terrified.
That's when i notice how hadsome he is. He has blond, luscious hair. His eyes, bluer than the sky and a jawline that looks like it can cut through just about anything.
"What are you doing here in camelot?" he asks me, bringing me back to reality.
"I um..." i begin to answer, not quite sure of what to say since i can't tell the truth obviously. "...my uh, family all died in a terrible attack so i- i left my home since i had nothing left there anymore and just started walking in the opposite direction from my village. And i... Ended up here... In camelot." i say, trying to sound honest. I look down, avoiding his eyes. "And what is your name?" he questions. "My name is lucinda, lucy for short." i reply, not sure if i should have trusted this man with my real name. But i did and it's too late to change it now. I look back up at the man and he is still looking at me with a confused look on his face. And then i remember. I'm still in my pajamas. My purple, soft, cosy pajamas. I blush, embarrassed, as arthur breaks the silence and speaks once again. "You will come with us to camelot."

He says as he walks back to his horse.
Why does he want me to come with them? Does he suspect me? I don't even know this man and he doesn't know me, i can't trust him, not yet anyway
I think to myself. "Um- thank you for your kindness but-" i stop talking when i remember that i have nowhere to go and i won't survive in these woods for long, even witches need food and shelter...
He looks at me confused and asks "but what?". I want to smack myself at the moment for being such an idiot. "Nothing, just.. Thank you." i answer, hoping for no further questions from him. He nodds and climbs on the back of his horse.
"Well? Are you coming or not?" he asks in a very impatient tone. I don't have a horse. Great. Just great. What am i supposed to say? I think for a moment and finally speak. "I uh.. Don't have a horse... Sorry?" i say, half questioning my own words. He thinks for a moment and finally tells me that i can ride with him. I feel very uncomfortable but i guess it's better then being stuck in the woods.
The way to camelot is quite peacfull, but awkwardly silent at the same time. I look around me as we arrive. Flowers, beautiful flowers, trees, air, but not like air in the city from where i came from, the air here is pure and untouched and eveything seems to be more alive.
We stop at the gates and they open for us. These men must be very important. We stop when we get to a huge, marvelous castle. I watch the men jump off their horses, so i do the same. The causal looking man takes the horses to the barn. I turn my head back to the castle. I then see a woman come down the stairs, she is beautiful. Her hair, her dress, none can doubt how gorgeous she looks. She walks quite fast towards arthur, they hug and kiss. She is probably his wife. Then, she pulls away and turns her head to me. "Who's this?" she asks arthur, i know by her tone she is annoyed with my presence, but i try to be as nice as i can to her. "I am lucinda, but you can call me lucy" i say, faking a smile. Her altitude has already started to get on my nerves. I stretch out my hand for a friendly handshak, but she just looks at me in an 'i'm better then you so fuck off' kind of way and ignores it. "I'm Guinevere. It's nice to meet you lucy" she finally says back, her words are kind but the way she looks at me is not, it's not hate, more like disgust or envy. But i smile back at her anyway.
Wait. Guinevere? Arthur? Kinights? I am with the king, king arthur, and his queen! WHAT?! OH. MY. GOD.
I realize this when i see she is wearing a crown. How can this be? What could the king possibly want to do with me? I need a spell. I need to get back to my time. But i can't, not without supplies. Wait. MERLIN! He's a witch or a wizard or whatever, right? I'll get him to help me! Awh if only i knew who he was.
"Um.. Lucy?" i hear someone saying and see a hand wave in front of my face. That brings me back from my thoughts to reality. "Yes, ar- my lord?" i say, remembering that i'm talking to the king, who could execute me at any time. "This is Gaius, he is my court physician. He will take a look at you and see if you need any kind of treatment." he says as he points to an old man who is standing by his side. "Alright, thank you for all your help sire." i say and he nodds. Then, the old man leads me to a room in the castle. Most of the furniture is made out of wood and all around are some books, freshly picked herbs and some potions. The old man tells me to sit down on the bed. I obay and take a seat on the wooden bed. He leaves to another room for a minute and returns with medical supplies. He examens me. "I see no serious damage, you are in good health my lady." he says and then adds "but if you feel bad in any way, i can fetch you a pain reliever." now i think about how much my head hurts. To be honest i could actually use a pain reliever. I ask for the pain reliever and he hands it to me. I drink it and start to feel sleepy. I feel like i'm floating and before i know it, i collapse on the wooden bed and fall asleep.

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