Telling Merlin

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I wake up where i last was, on the wooden bed in gaius's chambers. My headache is now completely gone and i feel great, whatever he gave me worked better than i thought it would. Then, i see gaius enter the room. "Ah lucy, your awake" he says smiling. "Yeah, thanks for that pain reliever you gave me, it worked wonders!" i say as i get up to a sitting position. He nodds and starts mixing a potion. "H-how long was a asleep?" i ask him. "About three hours" he says without raising his eyes off the potion. I stand up and stretch my legs and hands. Then, someone comes in. I recognize him, he is one of the men that i saw when i was back in the forest. "Hello gaius!" he greets him, with a big smile on his face. "Hello merlin" gaius says back, not turning his head from the potion.
Oh my god. This is merlin! It's really him! The greatest wizard of all time is here in this very room! Oh thank god he came, now i can find a way to go back. I think as i smile to myself. I clear my throat so he will notice me, And he does. He turns over to me and smiles. "You must be lucinda, it's nice to finally meet you." he says as he walks over to me and lets out his hand for a handshake that i gladly return. "It's nice to meet you too, merlin" i say a little shyly and smile at him. I wonder if he knows i know about his magic. He blushes a bit and rubs the back of his neck. "Well lucy i think we should all get some rest, its pretty late. But um.. I-if you want to i can give a tour of the castle?" he finally says. "Yeah, that sounds nice, thanks." i say with a smile. "Good night merlin" i add, he says good night back and goes to his room. I look out the window, it's dark outside. I move my hand and the curtain shuts as my eyes flash gold. I lay on the bed, it's so uncomfortable. I whisper a simple spell and a fluffy pillow appears. I figure at least i will have a good pillow to make the bed slightly less hard and annoying. I close my eyes, but i don't sleep. I already slept today. So i go for a walk outside the castle walls. I walk quietly so i won't wake anyone. I keep walking and then, i see a hear a strange voice calling merlin's name. I decide to follow the voice, in case merlin is in trouble. The voice leads to the cells. My eyes glow gold and the gaurds freez for just enough time for me to go past them. I keep following the voice, it leads to a staircase. I go down, and down, and even further down until i finally reach a giant cave. "Hello? Is anyone here?" i yell, no one answers. I yell again, and still, nothing. Just when i am about to give up and leave, i hear the sound of something flying towards me. I turn around and see a dragon standing in front of me. A DRAGON! A REAL LIVE DRAGON! i just stare at it, speechless. It's so beautiful. Then i hear someone behind me gasp. I turn around and see merlin. I'm not suprised, but he on the other hand is completely shocked! "Um.. Lucy? Wh-what are you doing here?" he questions, frear in his voice. "I um, couldn't sleep... So i went for a walk around the castle and then i heared someone calling your name so i followed the voice in case you were in trouble, witch your clearly not.." i reply honestly. He looks at me confused for a while. "You don't seem afraid or even suprised, why? I mean, you weren't even supposed to hear the call!" he says, and continues to look at me with that confused face. He doesn't know i fight demons every day, that this dragon is nothing compared to the creatures i have faced in the past. Then, i laugh. I actually laugh at his words! I don't know what i was thinking but i couldn't help it! "Look merlin, there is a LOT we need to talk about, i will explain everything to you i promise, but here is not the place." i finally say. Merlin just nodds and turns to the dragon. "Sorry, why did you call me? I was caught up in the moment" he says to the dragon. "Actually, it was so you two could talk properly. And as you can see, there is much to talk about." he says and flys away. "Well.. I guess here is the place after all" merlin chuckles and sits down on the floor. I sit next to him. "Okay. I don't really know how but i'll just say it, merlin, i'm a witch." i say, looking at him. He looks at me, he seems suprised. None of us say anything for a while. Then, i remember i need to tell him the rest. I sigh. "Theres more." i say quietly.

"What is it?"

"Well, you see, i'm not from around here..."

"What do you mean?"

"I came here from the future."

His face instantly went from suprised to shocked.
Then, after a moment of silence he asked me how, and i told him everything. I told him about my sister and how she died, about the demons, the spell and so on.
Then i told him that i wanted to go back, but now i'm not so sure because i believe that everything happens for a reason. We talked for hours, he told me about his destiny the dragon spoke of and about his powers. I found it amazing how magic has evolved and gotten stronger. For example, he didn't even have more then one active power (witch are abilities you don't need to recite spells for) unlike me, my active powers are freezing people and objects, moving stuff with my mind and sensing emotions. He can only move stuff with his mind witch in my time is the most basic active power, but he is still very powerful.
After hours of talking we finally go back up to gaius's chambers.
When the sun rised merlin headed to arthur's chambers and i was left to think about weather i want to go back or not. I know i could but what i didn't know was if i wanted to. I sat by the window and thought about it.
After thinking about all the possible consequences, i get to a final decision.

I'm staying in camelot.

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