Chapter 12

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Adrien still^-^
I ran into a dark building, where the screams were coming from. They seemed to be falling a bit. I began barely tiptoeing around, so I wasn't heard. More screams were now being muffled out. I bit my lip in terror. I peaked round a coner.
I then tiptoed round another coner. I could barely hear the muffled yells. Plagg came out of my pocket." Are you gonna turn into Chat, kid?"
"No." I whisper replied.

Me and plagg went up a ton of stairs, now entering the highest part of the building. At the end of the hallway We saw a open door. I slowly walked along the creaking floor boards. As I got to the door, I peaked through.


My eyes widened in shock, Cuts and scares were all over her pale skin. I hid behind the door as muffled chittering, were coming from the room. A floating figure exited the plain black rusty room. I then sneekily ran in. "Marinette!" I whisper yelled."Marinette." I shaked her up and down attempting to get any motion of life from her. Nothing.
I touched her wrist and felt a steady pulse. I untied the rope holding her arms and legs then picked her up and ran away with her. "ALYA!! NINO!!" I yelled as I got out of the building.
"Yeah!" I heard a faint squeul.
"I got her!!!"

We sent her to the hospital Instantly. Alya calling her parents telling them that her daughter is at hospital. I however went straight home. I couldn't bare to see her in pain.


HELLO lovely people of whattpad!!!
Welcom to 12??? I think. So I went back to school on tuesday. Sad face. But I'm now not a baby anymore!!!! YAY! Yeah my brother is*que evil laugh.* I still get called a year 7 though. Another sad face. Oh well. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and Meh...sorry, I'll see you in the next chapter, BYE!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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