Remembering Him

55 16 13

Marlin's POV

I fell to my knees, tears forming in my eyes, once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream, like a river. The truth..It hurts, it feels like someone has shattered my heart into pieces, it was painful. At first I didn't believe when the headmistress told me he went with his new family.
I thought she is lying until I saw his room, it was empty, nothing was there, he took all his things with himself. I can't believe he broke his promise, he said he will never leave me but he lied..he is a liar!

I woke up by a knock on my door. Because of continuous crying last night it was hard to open my eyes, my eyelids were puffy, sore n heavy. I don't even remember when did I fell asleep. I lifted my head which hurts badly, closed my diary and put it back inside the drawer. From the past few weeks it's been my routine, I barely sleep, eat, I don't talk to anyone, I stay in my room, spend my time crying, remembering about him, writting everything in my diary. Someone knocked again, I didn't reply, there was another knock, I still kept quiet, they knocked again and again, whoever it was, was getting on my nerves, why don't they understand that I want to stay alone, I don't need there help, I don't need them, I don't need anyone..except him. I stood up, went to the bathroom, saw my face in the mirror, the tears left traces on my skin, like the trace of a slug on a leaf, or like rain on a dusty plane, my face red and blotchy, my eyes bloodshot and my eyelids were puffy, I had a lump in my throat. I washed my face and made myself a bit presentable before walking out of the bathroom to open the door knowing that the person won't stop knocking until I open it.

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