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Marlin's POV

We said GoodNight to each other and went to our rooms. I took out my diary and started writting.

Three weeks have been passed since he left, since I stopped interacting with people, since I took a step outside my room. I was planning to be like that for the rest of my life until he comes back but I had to leave my room,
I couldn't bear that people who care about me are getting affected with my behaviour, it was difficult to see Ms. Brooke and my only friend Raymon sad & worried just because of me that's why I couldn't say no to Raymon when he tried to convince me to go out with him.
I tried to act happy infront of Ray, I didn't want to ruin his mood or make his efforts useless, he was trying his best to cheer me up, to help me stop thinking about him but I can't, I miss him..a lot, It's hard..no one can take his place, No one can be like him, I want him, I need him..here with me but I have to think about the people around me who care about me, who can't see me sad, weak, crying and I can't let them get worried about me all the time.
Going out with him wasn't really a bad idea. We did have fun, he never left my side, he was there with me the whole time cheering me up, doing silly things to make me smile.
Before Nick, Ray and I were not so much close but I guess we'll be soon. He is the best person I can ever meet and I'm really lucky to have him in my life when Nick is not here. He is an amazing friend.

I closed my diary kept it inside the drawer, brushed my teeths, changed my clothes into something comfortable, layed on my bed and closed the lights. I was really tired because of sleepless nights for past few weeks and spending the whole day outside with Ray due to which I fell asleep with in no time.

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