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Raymon's POV

We will again be late just because of Lin but I'm used to it, she always take so much time to get ready.
After a while she came out of her room. "I thought you were skipping school again" I teased her, she rolled her eye, grabbed her bag and headed out the door. I followed her.

Our school was only ten minutes walk away but we reached in 15 minutes all her fault, she was walking slowly. We went towards our lockers, I took out my books for the first period and waited for Lin, her locker was near Nick's. I waited for five minutes but she didn't come so I went to check, she was standing near Nick's locker, I walked to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Lin, We are already late for class, C'mon lets go."
I could see pain in her eyes. I always knew there was more to their friendship and that had always hurt me. Watching her with Nick was overbearing but I had to resist that pain for Lin's happiness. Now with Nick gone, I had an opportunity to make her mine.

We had same classes so we quickly made our way to our classroom. As usual the teacher was ranting his boring lecture about history. We quickly made our way to our seats successfully not letting him see us.

The rest of the school day was boring, non of us payed much attention in any of the class. It was lunch when I was walking towards cafeteria and I think I saw Lin going out the doors carefully watching her steps so no one could see her. I followed her. What was she upto? She was bunking school? Is she out of her mind.

She turned a right from the corner and stopped in the parking lot. She was searching for a car I guess. A smirk appeared on her face as she found the car in the 2nd row. She ran to the car as I realized it was Mr. Walker's car. She took some stones from the ground and broke the back lights and than scratched the car with another stone as the security alarm in the car went on. Is she crazy? I heard steps running towards the lot. I got a glimpse and that was enough to know who that was...Mr. Walker.

I ran as fast as I could to pull her out the parking lot and into the woods. As I looked back just once and saw him cursing.

"What the fuck Lin?!", we were running deeper in the woods. What has got into this girl? We could be thrown out of the school if I wouldn't have come for her.

" How were you there?"

"I followed you, are you crazy? What were you thinking girl?!"

"He started the war, I am ending it. How dare he hurt you?"

We slowed down and were sitting under a tree catching our breath. I looked at her. That last line took my heart. She cared that much? She is so sweet. I gave her a smile and nodded in her direction.

"I am amused at that stunt of yours though. You should have looked at his face" I said and we broke into laughter. After about 10 minutes we walked back sneaking through the back window into the janitor closet and out in the school corridor pretending nothing happened.

Being honest I couldn't get the thoughts of her being so caring about me. She was actually being sweet for the first time. She was noticing me, acknowledging me and being considerate of me which never happened before when Nick was with her. I always kept my emotions and feelings hidden so that they could be happy. Maybe it was my time to try being close to her when she was taking a step forward.

After school, we went back to orphanage and to our rooms. I changed my clothes and spent my time playing WinZer X (it's a game which will be described later).

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