Part 4

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It was a Saturday, meaning they had to clean like whole 'castle' like always-- and not half- assed either. Heichou would make them clean again until it was done perfectly.

Eren grumbled putting on his handkerchief loosely across his neck as he has walked out into the hall like the others.

Eren continued to walk to the supply closet on the south side of the building. He was about to open the door of the closet but a voice interrupted him.


"Where are you planning to clean, brat?" He spit in his face. Eren feared the most today. Levi looked grumpy. Not saying that he didn't always did but today he just looked more irritated.

"My r-room sir," He answered. His heart beat rapidly rising.

"Your cleaning the bathroom today," He told him bluntly and stood impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Of course, I will," Eren grabbed the instruments he needed for cleaning.

He sighed and walked to the only bathroom the had. He sat down the bucket and began to wash the wooden doors.

Their was only two stations consisting of a stone tub you had to manually get water for and a toilet which was like an outhouse. He grabbed the spray and started to clean the walls.

He continued until all he had to do was wash the floors. He got down on his knees and started to scrub. Nearly thirty minutes later he was all done.

He stepped back and admired his work. He was proud. The walls and floors literally shined.

Swiping the sweat off of his forehead he picked his stuff up and headed out the door.

He heard a conversation. He couldn't make the words being said but he knew it was coming from the left. He peeked his head out from the corner seeing Levi and...      Petra?

He slowly caressed the side of the girls face and kissed the edge of her lips. She sadly smiled at him and put her hand over the one that lay softly on her cheek.

An anger he had never felt before began burning inside of him but there were many other emotions running through him too.

He had never seen Levi do anything of the sort. Even if it was just a simple kiss of the cheek He never knew he had emotions if that kind. Better yet he showed them to Petra. Not to mention she called him by his first name.

Eren frowned and his chest dropped. Emotions were racing through him. He was literally a mess at the moment. Tears found their way to his eyes and his bottom lip began to tremble.

NO!! That was enough!

He has already cried plenty of times in the last few days. Talk about being a cry baby. He cried somewhere around three times in the last week but that wasn't all. Humanities only hope should not cry. Honestly he was acting like a whiny bitch. He knew that he wasn't supposed to have feelings for Heichou and he also knew that Heichou would never return these feelings so why get worked up over something he knew would never happen?

He looked down and blinked as fast as he could. No one could see them. It was hard to contain his tears but soon he had blinked them back.

He abruptly walked into the hallway making both heads turn and put his the supplies back into the closet. He quickly walked back to his room in the calmest fashion he could.


The brunette didn't think he was going to be in this situation again but there again he was sitting in the dining hall unable to sleep. This time Petra was on his mind this time. Her and Levi it just didn't seem right.

He sipped at the warm earl gray tea and someone sat right next to him.

Fuck he was too noisy!

He slowly looked up and the person he never expected was sitting there.

Levi.  There he was sitting in a thin white long sleeved shirt that draped loosely against his shoulders showing more skin under his collar bone while it also hugged his muscles that were
very visible underneath.

Eren gave a small smile and nervously drank his tea. 

"why're you up so late?" The raven asked while the edge if his lip tugged up into a smirk.

"I couldn't sleep," The boy answered with surprise.

"Well this is the second time this week," the raven stated non-chalantly.
He was true this was the second time this week.

"Yeah," Eren answered fiddling with his hands.

"What's the matter, brat?"Heichou asked, dangerously eyeing the boy.

"Nothing,"Eren lied and an immediate coat of red covered his ears.

"I can tell when your lying Eren, it was me wasn't it?" He bluntly asked put his arm over the younger boys seat.

"Actually you and Petra.... are you two a thing?" Eren asked.

The raven's pale lips slowly began to spread hesitantly almost as if he never had done so. It soon became Angelic

His teeth barely showing but a dark red rested itself on his cheeks.

His heart skipped a beat and he nearly stopped breathing. Something so small sent a storm in his stomach and a tightness in his chest. He couldn't process it correctly. The raven smiled and the world had stopped.

Suddenly a beautiful sound left his lips... a laugh. His voice sounded of honey. It was so smooth and delicate. A strange sound to Eren something he had never heard before but it was so beautiful.

"You really thought so?" He continued to laugh at the Caribbean eyed boy next to him.

"Yes," Eren truthfully answered him. A person of any other would agree.

Eren felt beyond humiliated. A deep shade of red covered his cheeks. He looked down at his lap and couldn't muster out anything.

Levi's cool lanky finger was placed under his chin and whipped his head back up to eye level. The raven examined the boys features. From the boy's eyes that were such a blue and green that they were a perfect aqua. His soft olive skin. To the cute brown tuft at the top of his head.

Eren's heart was racing as he felt Levi's minty breath against his skin, his deep eyes taking him in, and the firm hand that moved across his cheek.

The older male leaned in and captured Eren into a kiss.




This isn't happening

Stupid teenage hormones.

This was real this wasn't his imagination nor dream Levi kissed him.

The raven's soft lips were pressed against those of Eren's.

Levi grabbed the small if Eren's back pulling him closer. Their chests were pushed together as they shared the deep kiss.

Barely to be heard was the muffled moans and the faint sound of lip smacking.

Eren was in a state of pure joy. This was the real thing. This was greater than the imagination. He couldn't imagine the sweet of cool peppermint on his lips what only could be explained as Levi. The squeezing of his heart and the way Levi had felt against his own body. The imagination couldn't stand a chance to this. The real thing. Simply it was beautiful.

Touch me, Heichou (Ereri short story/ one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now