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I grasped onto my duvet cover, trying to keep myself warm. The breeze coming from my window was strong, and I shivered as I felt the smack of cold air hit my face. My back was facing the window, as I was scared of what was outside. The vampires, the wolves, all the monsters on the other side of my window. Mum would always laugh at how scared I would get. "Ash, there's nothing outside your window, go back to sleep," she would say.

So I would go back to my bed, and try to sleep. I would have many sleepless nights, and as a nine year old child, that wasn't good for my health. Those monsters were what kept me shuffling on my bed every night, my eyes screwed shut, but never asleep.

At school I would fall asleep, and during the time I was awake, I was a very shy child. Scared to participate, too tired to talk.

That night was when everything changed.

People say that your fears come out when you're relaxed, and in the most vulnerable position.

It happened on my tenth birthday, I was giggly, and didn't go to bed until one in the morning. That was one of the first days in a long while in which I felt drowsy as I laid my head on the pillow. I fell into a deep sleep, soon awakened by the ear-piercing sound of a window shattering. I stood up and saw nothing but darkness, except a large object shuffling on my wooden floor. My instincts told me to run, but my legs were frozen. I couldn't walk over to turn on my light, I couldn't run away from my room.

My heart was thumping, and a lump in my throat was forming. I gulped as the object moved closer to me. It grew bigger, almost double my size, and that was when I realised the 'object' was in fact a human. They grabbed my small shoulders and put me on their left shoulder in one swift move. I tried to bang on their back, but that just made their grip on me even harder. I found he was a man after I noticed his stubbly chin. I then tried to scream, but all he did was laugh. "No one can hear you honey," A deep voice said from behind me. I jerked my head up, to see another tall man marching behind me.

I was then thrown into the back of a dark coloured vehicle, and soon they drove off, drove for many hours until I started dozing off.

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