Blonde Children

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"Ash just relax a little, we've been given a month for this task, there's plenty of time!" Calum kept repeating to me. I've been looking around anxiously, hoping Count Hemmings or Clifford weren't around. There wasn't much to see, it's not like you can see the London Eye in pitch black darkness. If they caught us sight seeing instead of hunting down humans, we would be shunned. 

I shivered at the thought of going through that, having my vampire characteristics stripped away from me. Through my teen years I have adapted to my powers and strengths, loving my vampire life more each day. I have incredible speed, super senses and I always look good- vampire features are attractive so we can hunt blood down. If these were ever taken away from me, I wouldn't know how to live a normal life again, I've lived a vampire life for so long I have forgotten what an ordinary life was like. I often forget about my mother too, which makes me angry at myself, angry at how I could allow her to be forgotten. 

My faith in God has gone. After all, he hates the vampire kind, damming us all to hell, not giving us a chance to believe and worship. Sometimes I wonder how i'll be able to atone my relationship with my mother. She's a very religious woman, so when I am able to see her again she may hate me, hate what I have become. 

I looked over to see Calum looking at two small children holding their mother's hand,  his mouth was open. He looked mesmerized, and I instantly knew what he was thinking. Grabbing him by the shoulders I stood in front of him, averting his gaze to me. "Calum, what are you doing?" I hissed, knowing the answer. Calum looked back at the two blond children, before speaking. "Come on Ash, just try it, I promise this will be the last time," Calum pleaded. I rolled my eyes, recalling the many previous times he has told me that this was the 'last time'.                    "Nope, not happening. I'm not going to drink youth blood, and neither will you." I replied sternly, blocking his view of the young kids.                                                                                                            "We can experiment on them though, blonde kids would be good material," He tried, but I responded with a quick shake of my head. 

Calum sighed, trying to make me pity him, but that was not happening. I would not let another child be a victim of his fetish. Yes, I may drink blood, but I still have morals- one of them being letting young children live their lives, and only targeting older humans. I always try to drink animal blood- it may not have much taste as the blood of a human, but as vampires we are always told the best option is animal blood. It an excellent alternative, because there is less guilt for us to hold and less screaming to muffle.

"We are here searching for blood but I will not let our victim be a small child. When we go back to Australia we need to fix this issue," I scolded, signalling the end of our conversation. He gulped, closed his eyes and nodded. I looked up at the dark sky, knowing that we only had a couple of hours left until sunrise.                                                                                                                            "Come on, lets get something to eat before the sun comes up. Didn't you say you were hungry?" I spoke, walking towards the direction of the local nightclub. I looked behind to see Calum hurrying after me. I could tell that he was in need of a feed, all the shadows on his face were darker and the veins under his eyes were practically bulging.

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