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10 Years Later


My sleep was disturbed by the sound of Calum swaying into our room in the middle of the night. This had been the sixth time it's happened this month, and it was the same as any other. His shirt was stained a scarlet red and a pink ribbon was tied around his head, making him look ridiculous. I sighed and got up, looking at the clock. "It's 3 in the morning Calum, what the hell!" I spoke softly, not wanting to wake the others, especially Count Hemmings and Count Clifford.

 I've got used to calling them that over the years, and grew a strong bond with Count Hemmings. The blond leader would take me out with him on killings for the first 6 months, watching him lure weak women with his mysterious blue eyes. At first I would scream and shake, swatting Luke away when he would try to calm me down, but now I've been on so many killings it's almost numb. The slight shaking of my left hand often happens after I drink the blood, my body rushing in adrenaline, feeling a wonderful high.  After all, our great Count Dracula has always said "The blood is the life,".

Count Hemmings hasn't really ever liked Calum, calling him a 'dirty bastard' when he is mentioned. Count Clifford would always defend Calum though. 

The thought of my mother is always in the back of my mind, lurking it's way through every now and then, leaving me in a terrible mood. Having asked both Counts about when I get to see my mother again would always result in them shouting as me. "We told you that you'll get your mother when you do what we want," They would say.  A look of pure somber flashes across my face, my heart still yearns for the motherly hugs, and her wonderful food. Oh how I would love to be able to eat normal food without vomiting. The only food I get is blood. 

"Come on, lets get you cleaned up Cal," I spoke, hauling him into the small bathroom. He took his clothes off and jumped into the shower, causing a loud thud, harmonized by a classic Calum giggle. "Calum and his young blood," I mumbled under my breath, tossing his clothes into a washing machine. Calum has started hunting young children, the youthful blood giving serious highs, which means he does stupid things. Since he's started drinking it, there's a hole in the wall (covered by a poster), the cause being Calum running into the wall, thinking 'he could fly'.

We're going on a clan trip in three days, flying out to London, England. Yes I know! All the way from Australia! The main focus is to experiment on different blood, and so a multi-racial  country is the quickest way to do it. Every two vampires are assigned a race, and are to consume their blood, reporting later how it tasted and felt. Calum and I are assigned Arab blood. Once hearing it we've been reading books and Arabic phrases, prepared to grasp an Arabian's attention with their own language. 

Vampires| a.iDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora