Tour talk

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It's been a few weeks since Blake's birthday party and James has calmed down.

I was siting at the table eating my lunch when James comes in.

"Is it alright if the boys and New Hope Club come over to discuss tour stuff." James asks dad.

"Yeah I suppose so, when?" Dad asks.

"Tomorrow?" James replies.

"Yeah that's fine, me and Sarah are going out tomorrow anyway so you'll have to look after Amelia." Dad says.

"What?" James says.

"Amelia, your sister." Dad says.

"I am here." I say.

I walk off upstairs and text Reece.

"So you coming over tomorrow?"

"Yeah I am, how do you think James is going to be?" Reece asks.

"Most likely the same. I think we should keep our distance around James, I don't want him to flip out again." I reply.

I didn't get a text back from Reece, I think I must of been angry or upset.

Next day

"We're off now." Dad says.

"You to play nice with each other." Mum says.

"We will." James says.

"Enjoy." I say.

"James I don't want to fall out with you." I say.

"Why would we." He replies.

"When should everyone get here?" I ask.

"Around 6." He replies.

I check my phone to see the time, it's 5:45.

"I'm going to nip to the shop round the corner to get some drinks, if anyone comes let them in." James says.

"Ok." I says.

I sit and watch telly until there's a knock at the door. I go answer it and it's Brad.

"Hey Amelia, where's James?" Brad asks.

"He's just gone to the shop." I reply.

"Oh right." Brad says.

"Come sit down and wait." I say.

We sit in the living room.

"Are you ok Amelia? You know you can talk to your big brother Brad." Brad says.

You're not my big brother but you sure as hell feel like it.

"I sometimes wish you were my brother, especially with the way James has been acting." I say as soon as the door knocks.

I get up and answer the door and it's Reece, Blake and George. Reece walks in and completely ignores me.

Great he's annoyed with me.

"Hey." I say to Blake and George.

"Hey." They reply.

"Brads in the living room and James has just nipped to the shop." I say.

We make our way to the living room as soon as James comes home.

"I'm back." James says.

He walks into the living room.

"No Con or Tris yet?" James asks.

"Not yet but they're on there way." Brad replies.

"Well I'll leave you all too it." I say walking out the living room and upstairs.

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