George's house

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We are friends right? Me, Blake, Reece and George. I mean I know we haven't actually said we're friends but...?

I go onto Twitter and scroll through my feed liking the occasional tweet until I come across hate.

"She only hangs around with James for the fame I mean they're not even properly brother and sister right?"

"Starts with one band and moves straight onto another."

I've never had hate like this before, what's got into them?

I ignore it.

"I'm so bored!" I tell my mum.

"Why don't you go out with your friends like Gabriella or Ava?" My mum says.

Friends pft yeah right.

I go back upstairs and go on my phone. I make a group chat with me, Blake, Reece and George.

"I'm so bored... We need to do something soon." I say.

I go for a shower. Once I come back the boys have replied.

"Yeah we do." George says.

"This weekend?" Blake asks.

"Sure, but what and where?" Reece asks.

"We could come to one of your places as I haven't been before." I say.

"We could come mine, I mean there's lots to do." George says.

"Sure mate." Reece says.

"Sounds good." I say.

"Yeah." Blake says.

The weekend

I take the train to Georges house. It took about an hour and a half. I go up to the door and knock.

"Heyyy!" I say to George.

"Hey!" He replies.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm good. What about you and don't fob me off and say you're fine." George says.

"I've just been bored recently that's all. Are Reece and Blake here?" I ask.

"Yeah, they're upstairs." George says.

George's house is nice.

We go upstairs to George's room.

"Amelia!" Reece and Blake say getting up.

They both hug me.

"Star Wars posters, I should've known." I laugh.

We talk about what we've been up to recently.

"Amelia, what have you been doing?" Blake asks.

"Uh nothing really, just laying in bed on social media. Reading the hate." I mumble the last part.

"What did you just say?" Reece asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"Have you been getting hate?" George asks.

"Yeah, but it's not that bad." I say.

The boys tense up.

"What have they been saying?" George asks.

"Oh you know, only hanging out with you guys for the fame and that you lot just feel sorry for me." I say.

"That is not true!" Blake says.

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