Like You Hate Me

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Rating: Explicit

Warnings/tags: shower sex, hate sex

Word count: 2367

Summary: Louis and Harry might have a bit of a rivalry, but it's bearable; unless, of course, they're all on tour and cramped up in the same space 24/7. Then lines start to get crossed.


Harry gave a stretch and a loud yawn as he shuffled into the kitchen, running his fingers absently through his messy hair in an attempt to get it out of his eyes. “Morning, everyone," he greeted, collapsing in the nearest free chair around the table.  He grabbed the box of his favorite cereal from the center of the table and began pouring a mound of it in his bowl.

“Do you know if Louis is awake yet?” Zayn asked, taking a bite out of his toast.

Harry shrugged. “Dunno.  Don’t care.”

Niall sighed. “I know you and Louis don’t get along, but can’t you just try and be…civil?”

Harry opened his mouth to remind him that it was impossible for the two boys to even be in the same room – much less try and be civil – but a hand suddenly smacked into the back of his head sharply. 

“Hello, boys.  Talking about me before you’ve even had breakfast, Harry?  That’s got to be some sort of record,” Louis said, his voice sarcastic and cold.

Harry rolled his eyes. “Believe me, you weren’t my first choice of conversation topic, so don’t flatter yourself.”

Louis scoffed, grabbing the milk just as Harry reached for it.  He poured the milk into a cup, draining every last drop from the jug before placing it back on the table in front of Harry with a smirk. “There you go,” he said, gesturing to the empty container.

“I need that for my cereal,” Harry said, hands balling into fists at the smug look on Louis’s face.

“I need it for a refreshing drink," Louis countered.

“You don’t even drink milk.” Harry's lip curled back into a grimace.

Louis paused, a thoughtful look on his face, before giving a brief nod. “You’re right,” he said lightly, before turning and dumping the milk down the sink.

“Louis,” Liam said in a warning tone, but the older boy ignored him, turning to give Harry a grin as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Harry stood, his chair scraping against the linoleum in protest. “What the fuck is your problem?"

 “Harry, calm down!” Zayn urged.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want some?” Louis said, batting his eyes innocently and speaking in a falsely sweet voice.

“Guys!  It’s just milk!  I’ll run to the store and get another jug!” Liam said.  He was almost yelling now, his voice filled with desperation as he tried to restore peace.

Harry continued to glare at Louis for a few moments before turning to walk out of the kitchen. “I’m taking a shower,” He grumbled before exiting the room.

“But Louis is supposed to shower first today.” Liam said, remembering the bathroom schedule they’d made to balance the one lone bathroom between the five of them.

“Too fucking bad for Louis!” Harry yelled back, storming down the hallway and slamming the bathroom door behind him.

He paused for a few moments, leaning against the door and squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to calm himself down.  He didn’t know why he’d been so angry – it was just milk, like Liam had said – but something about Louis just made Harry snap.

I met you in the toilet (Larry One Shots - book 5)Where stories live. Discover now