Tea For Two and Two For Tea

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From: http://archiveofourown.org/works/821710


Rating: Mature

Warnings/tags: fluff, tiny!louis, louis turns small one day, and harry finds him, thats it thats the fic

Word count: 26645

Summary: Louis turns five centimeters tall one day at work. Harry accidentally takes him home.


When Louis thinks back on it, he realizes he doesn't actually know how he got here. He's working at the cafe, diligently as ever, cleaning the teacups stocked next to the cappuccino maker like he did every day after his shift. He starts to feel a bit fuzzy in the head but figures it was only tiredness - he's been at the cafe since six in the morning and it was currently closing in on ten at night (which he was pretty sure wasn't actually legal, but his boss was a cunt that wouldn't bother to care if Louis complained and the pay was good so he just dealt with it), and that's why he really hasn't paid the cottony feeling behind his eyes any mind.


It's only when that fuzziness turns into a black cloud does Louis get concerned.


He doesn't have much time to be concerned, though, because the second he feels the clouds come he blacks out, waking up seconds later on the ground in a coffee shop that looks a thousand times taller than it'd been the last time he'd seen it.


Louis struggles back to his feet, fighting the spinning in his head. He braces a hand on the wall next to him, shaking himself until he can see straight again. He looks around, cautiously scoping out his surroundings.

It's definitely the same coffee shop, that much he knows, but what had been only as tall as his waist when he'd walked in that morning is now what seems like a mountain in front of him. Louis shakes his head, more confused now than ever, and on a spin around to try to right himself in his surroundings, he catches his reflection on the metal paneling that lines the bottoms of the cafe's wooden cabinets.


The first thing he notices is that he could see his whole reflection in the paneling.


The second thing he notices is that he's suddenly only five centimeters tall.


He doesn't have time to make a third observation because he's blacking out again, falling to the floor in a fit of overwhelming shock, the trip to the ground much, much shorter this time.




The next time Louis wakes up, he's got a better handle on exactly what the hell is going on. First, he's still trapped in the cafe. Second, somehow, some way, he's magically shrunken to a height of somewhere around five centimeters and, no, he isn't hallucinating. He even pinches himself to make sure. Looking down at himself, Louis' glad to discover that his clothes have appeared to have shrunken along with the rest of his body so Louis' not left standing completely buck-arse naked on the floor.


Third, there is a teacup about to roll off the edge of the counter and land right on him if he doesn't get the fuck out of the way right then.

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