1- New Arrival

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Mitch's POV

"Hi, when does the first bus to Washington go?" I ask the guy at the bus station. We didn't plan anything ahead. My parents just wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. They said it would be for my own good, but I know better. They are afraid I'm going to expose them. I have a bad temper sometimes and my wolf can come out.

"It leaves in 20 minutes." The guy says. I fucked up in school. Someone called me a fag and I got mad. I let my claws out and scratched the guy. You can imagine his surprise when he saw my claws. This happened before, I switch schools almost every year because of things like this. But my parents are done with me now. They are sending me to a werewolf school. And the closest one happens to be 5 hours away by bus.

"Okay, can I get one ticket for that bus?" I ask the guy. He seems to be in his mid 50's and very bored. I can't blame him, I would be bored too if I worked a job like this.

"It's 19 dollars." His monotone voice says. I give him a 20 dollar bill, and walk away. I drag my suitcase behind me. It's stuffed with almost my entire wardrobe and other stuff I need to bring. My parents were too lazy to drive me to Washington so I have to drag all this shit with me.

I quickly buy a bag of chips for the trip. It's 9 pm now, and I didn't eat dinner. My parents have been scolding me and fighting each other since I got home. My dad didn't want to send me away. My mom though, she couldn't wait to get rid of me. I'm 18, it's my last year. Couldn't they just wait one year for sending me away?

Finally the bus arrives and I can get in. It's not crowded, there are only about 10 people in the bus.

I pick a seat in the back, putting my suitcase on the seat next to me. I won't have troubles with my suitcase and people won't sit next to me, it's a win-win.

I hope my parents called the school. I will be arriving there at 2 or 3 in the morning. I can't imagine they're being happy with that. I have some money so if they are closed I can just spend the night in a cheap hotel.

I try to sleep some. It's 9:30 now so I'll set my alarm for 2 so I won't miss my stop. This bus probably ends in DC and that's not where I need to be. The school is somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I have to passover on another bus and then I have to walk for 15 minutes. All at 3 o'clock at night. Who planned this again?

I can't say I'm excited for the next year. I will be living in a new school with only werewolves. My family does not live in a pack, so we don't let our wolves out much. I also don't know anything about werewolves. I don't know how packs work, or how wolves are built and all that stuff. I know that is what you learn at werewolf school. The worst though, is that I'm a halfblood. My dad is werewolf and my mom is human. That results in my wolf being smaller and less strong than a full werewolf. I know that it is uncommon for a werewolf to have a human mate so halfbloods like me are rare. Very rare. It's also because chances of getting a child are small, with a human and a werewolf. And then the chance is bigger that the child is human. I think my mom would rather have a human child than me. I only caused trouble.

I put in my earphones and start my spotify playlist. I try to zone everything out to fall asleep. These will probably be the only hours of sleep I will have.

I wake up with a start. My alarm is going off. Where am I? Why does my back hurt? I look around. The bus, I'm heading for my new school.

I quickly get off the bus. Now, it's waiting for the second one. Another 10 minutes before that one arrives.

"Hello." The bus driver greets me when the bus pulls up at the stop. He looks at me weirdly. He's probably wondering what the hell an 18-year-old is doing here at 2 in the morning.

Elemental Werewolf (Scomiche) (student/teacher)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora