21- Mysterious Person

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Mitch's POV

We walk together through the forest in the direction of the fire. It's not very big, I don't think you can see it anywhere else. But it's also not small. They planned this perfectly, whoever 'they' is. It could be the hunters or the fire elemental. I'm hoping for the fire elemental with all my heart. If it's not, I'm not sure what's gonna happen.

What if the fire elemental is evil and wants to be the only elemental left or something? Okay, stop. This is not a good way to think. I'm sure it's the fire elemental and they are very nice.

I look up at Scott's face, trying to see if he is scared. His facial expression doesn't give away anything but his sweaty hands do. I know he's probably as nervous as I am but he doesn't want to show it.

I squeez his hand, taking a deep breath. ''It's gonna be okay.'' I say, trying to reassure me and him. ''I know it will be.''

Scott just gives me a tight smile, not really convincing. He doesn't speak. I don't know what is going on in his head, but I know that he is probably worrying like crazy.

We walk in silence again, both of us in our own minds. The fire is getting closer and closer and my nerves are getting worse. I can feel myself start to sweat too.

''Shouldn't we shift or something?'' I whisper. We're very close to the fire now, I can see the flames through the trees. We're stronger as wolves so to me it seems like a good idea to shift.

''No, I can control my water better in human form.'' Scott whispers back. ''But you should shift. You can run faster that way.'' Scott says, looking intently at the flames and not me.

I stop walking and shake my head, getting his attention. ''I'm not running Scott. I'm not leaving you here by yourself.'' I say, standing my ground. He's my mate, I'm not leaving without him.

He grabs my chin, looking deep in my eyes. ''If it gets to a fight, you're going to run, Mitch. Not up for discussion.'' He says it in a powerful voice that my wolf can not disobey. Me though? I'm not backing down. But if I shift I will be in wolf form.

''Okay.'' I say. I don't to have this discussion here. I'll run back and get help or something. Mister Olusola looks like he could do some serious damage in a fight.

Scott lets go off my chin. He grabs my hand and starts to walk again, pulling me with him. ''Now, shift.'' He says in that powerful voice again. I hate how my wolf just does so without hesitation. I can't stop him, I shift immediately.

I know like this I will have less control over my wolf. He will do things instinctly. I just try to keep as much control as I can.

''Okay, let's go now.'' He start jogging further in the forest and closer to the flames. I go with him, easily keeping up with him.

Finally we arrive at a small clearing, The flames in the middle of the clearing. It looks like the flames make a circel. I don't see anyone. That is strange. I look over at Scott. He's looking at the flames. I look again. Then I see it. A shape in the flames, I think it is human but I'm not sure. The fire elemental? I don't know who else can stand in a fire without getting burned.

''Who are you?!'' Scott suddenly shouts, startling me. I stay close to Scott, not leaving his side. The person keeps quiet, not responding at all to Scott. ''You have 5 seconds to answer before I put out your fire.'' He says in a threatening tone.

''Show me.'' I first hear their voice. I'm surprised. It's a girl. I don't know why but I expected a guy. The fire elemental being a girl is a good thing I think. Girls are in general less aggressive.

Scott splashes a spray of water over the fire, putting half of it out. The girl is finally not hidden anymore. Although she's not really a girl, more a woman. I would expect her to be in her late or mid twenties or something. She has orangey hair, that fits very well with her whole fire thing.

''So you are the water elemental

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''So you are the water elemental.'' She says with an interested look to Scott. Bitch better back off, he's mine. My wolf growls lowly before I can stop him. She turns her eyes to me. ''Who's he?'' She asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

''He's my mate.'' Scott says shortly. ''Are you the fire elemental?''

''Yes I am.'' She takes a few steps forwards, coming closer to us. Scott goes to stand in front of me, shielding me from her. ''I don't mean any harm, but we gotta have a conversation.'' She holds out her hand. ''Lindsey.''

Scott hesitantly shakes it. ''Scott.'' He looks her up and down. She looks normal. I must say I do like her hair very much. ''Now please tell me why you're here.''

''Where to begin?'' She asks. Looks likes she has a lot to tell.

''The beginning seems smart to me.'' Scott says. Honestly, I can't wait to hear what this woman has to say.

I know some of you guys wanted it to be Mitch, but I had planned this all along sooo.. sorry? Anyway, please Vote!

Elemental Werewolf (Scomiche) (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now