2- Tour by Kirstie

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Mitch's POV

"Mitch wake up." Someone wakes me from my precious sleep. It's way too early, I am tired. I groan and roll over, burying my face in my pillow.

"Come on, Mitch. We've got the morning off to sleep in, but I have to give you a tour and then we have afternoon classes." Kirstie's voice keeps talking. I just want her to shut up so I can sleep some more. "It's almost 11, Mitch." She pulls my blankets off me, still trying to wake me up.

"Kirstieeee." I whine. I'm not much of a morning person. Especially after a night like last night and if I don't have my coffee yet.

Kirstie chuckles. "Come on. Go shower, after that we're going downstairs to eat and then I'll give you a tour."

I hesitantly sit up, slowly opening my eyes. I cringe, it's too bright in this room. I drag myself out of bed and in some sweats. I pick out my clothes to wear, just some skinny jeans and a basic shirt, and head to the shower. I'll feel more alive after a shower.

The bathroom is small, but clean and nice. It has a shower, a sink and a toilet. I step under the shower, enjoying the warm water. I softly hum to myself. I like singing, but I don't want people to hear me. The only one who is allowed to hear me is Tori. And she is 5 hours away.

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. The shower helped, I'm almost human now. I quickly get dressed before I step out of the bathroom.

"Let's go eat, I'm starving." I only ate a bag of chips yesterday for dinner.

Kirstie chuckles. "Okay, let's go downstairs to the dining room." She walks out of the room with me behind her.

We go down the stairs together in the big hall. "This is called, the main hall. Those doors are the corridors to the classrooms." She points to the normal doors. "That is the dining room." She points to the large double doors. "We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner there. It also has a living area with a tv and the kitchen." Must be a huge room.

Kirstie opens the double doors and we step inside the room.

I look around, it's even bigger than I expected. It has a high ceiling and a few long tables. It kind of reminds me of hogwards. This whole place reminds me of hogwards. Except this is not a school for wizards, but for werewolves.

The room is mostly empty, there are only a few teachers sitting on a table, chatting softly. They look up when we walk in. Kirstie walks towards them, greeting them. "Good morning, mister Kaplan, mister Olusola."

"Good morning, Kirstin." They say. They look at me, inspecting me. "Who might this be?"

I reach out my hand, "I'm Mitch. I'm a new student here."

"I'm mister Kaplan." He shakes my hand. Mister Kaplan is young, late twenties I think. He has long hair in a man bun and a beard. He looks around 5'10, slightly taller than me. He has a deep, warm voice.

"I'm mister Olusola." The other one says, shaking my hand. He is dark-skinned, with a white, wide smile. He looks also young, maybe the same age as Kaplan. He is tall though, over 6 feet. He looks very muscly and strong.

"Mister Olusola gives PE and mister Kaplan geography." Kirstie says. I already hated PE at home and I know I'm gonna hate it more here. All these full wolves are stronger than me, so I'm going to fail. Mister Olusola looks nice though so I hope he won't make it too much of a problem.

We say goodbye to the teachers and go into the kitchen. Kirstie just randomly gets some sandwiches so I do the same.

"So we have geography, biology, PE, science, math, history and english here as subjects." Kirstie says as we sit down at a table with our sandwiches. The subjects are not that different from at home. That's good.

"It's not the same as on a normal school though. Like history for example, you learn the history of werewolves. Biology, you learn the anatomy of werewolves. Geography, what pack lives where and also which plants you can eat as wolf.PE is fighting in wolf form. The rest is the same I think." I groan. I'm probably behind in these subjects. "I heard you're from a normal school, so you'll have some catching up to do." Kirstie continues.

I hate to admit it but I'm kind of thankful for Kirstie. I imagined myself being left alone, maybe even bullied, but Kirstie is so sweet and I think we may be friends in the future.

"Come on, I'll show you the rest of the school." Kirstie says, when we're done with eating.

"All these corridors have their own subjects." Kirstie says when we're in the main hall.

"English, science, history, biology, geography, math." She says as she points to every corridor. I'm never going to remember that. I already forgot which corridor belongs to which subject.

"I'll show you the PE field outside." Kirstie starts to walk away, dragging me with her. Ew, PE. I hate any form of exercise.

"I hate PE." I murmur once we're outside. Apparently a PE class is being taught right now. It's not by mister Olusola but by another one. The students are fighting in their wolf form and by the looks of it, they can all beat me by just showing their teeth.

"Same." Kirstie says, surprising me. She actually hates something? I thought this girl liked everything. "It's the only subject I'm not good at."

We walk back in the building, through the main hall up the stairs. Kirstie points to the left. "That's where the students who live here sleep." Our corridor, I recognise it. She points to the right. "That's where the teacher offices are."

She becomes very quiet suddenly, she motions me over so she can whisper something in my ear. "Also, the principal's office is there. I've never seen or met him, but I hear stories that he is mean. So I hope you and I will never meet him." She's so dramatic.

"I'm sure he isn't that bad." I lean away from her, speaking on a normal volume. Kirstie immediately hushes me. "He is principal on a high school. He won't be chosen if he's mean."

Kirstie looks at me weirdly. "Mitch, do you know how principals are chosen on a werewolf school?"

I sigh, what is she getting at? "I'm sure it's the same as a normal high school."

"It isn't. It's like an alpha in a pack." I give her a questioning look. I don't know anything about packs. "You have to fight and kill the former principal." I look at her sceptically. Is she serious?

He facial expression doesn't change though. She's dead serious. "I heard that this principal is not old, but everyone who tried to fight him died. He's never lost a battle. Now no one fights him anymore." This is starting to get a bit creepy.

"That's creepy." I say voicing my thoughts.

"I know." Kirstie says, still whispering. "Let's go now! We have geography with mister Kaplan! He's so nice! Last time he.." And like that she's back to her normal self. I just let her talk.

I look to my right to the teachers hallway. Something feels weird about it. It's like I'm drawn to it. I want to go there and figure everything out about this principal.

I quickly shake those thoughts away and follow Kirstie. I don't want to get in trouble, but something tells me I will.

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