New Girl In Town

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I looked around my room. It was huge; I had a big en-suite and a walk in wardrobe. Great right? What every girl wants. Not me, I missed my old house in Texas with my normal sized room with purple walls, but I would never ever go back there. I set my boxes down on the floor. My mom popped her head in. “Isn’t it amazing?” she gushed. “It’s a bit big for the two of us.” No kidding, this house was huge, massive, not quite a mansion but almost. Mom waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t be ridiculous! It’s perfect!” I shrugged uncomfortably. “If you say so.” she beamed. “Well, come down when you’re done! I’m making lasagne!” I sighed. The reason we moved is because mom and dad divorced, honestly about time too, they’ve been at each other’s throats for ages. They both had good jobs so we were pretty rich so mom bought this massive place to rub it in dad’s face that she had the “better” job. I sat on the edge of my queen bed and began unpacking.


I walked to the locker I was given and prayed it didn’t have any embarrassing graffiti on it. The plan for my first day of school was to be invisible. I found it thankfully clean. I put my stuff inside and scanned my schedule, I had history first. I grabbed my text books cradling it against my chest when a loud voice spoke. “Excuse me! You’re in my way!” I spun around to see a girl standing behind me. Her shorts were like denim underwear and her top barely managed to cover her chest. Sure she was absolutely stunning but she glared at me like I was a piece of gum she found under her shoe. I felt as if I had seen her before. I mumbled an apology and moved so I wasn’t blocking the locker besides mine. She swung her locker open which from the corner of my eye had a big mirror and a lot of photos all had her in it. She eyed me suspiciously. “And who are you anyways?” she asked rudely. “Laurel Wynters.” I muttered. She rolled her eyes. “Not your name, like where are you from? I haven’t seen you around here before.” “Oh, I moved from Texas.” I said awkwardly. She wrinkled her nose disdainfully. “Well, what you need to know about this school is that. As long as you stay out of my way, you’ll have a decent life here.” she snapped. I nodded nervously. She went back to fixing her hair and reapplying lip gloss.

I sat in history barely listening to the teacher, Mr Davidson, drone on and on about the Crusades. The girl who I so pleasantly met this morning was in my class. I found out her name, Mackenzie Andries, most popular girl in school and captain of the varsity cheer team. That’s why she looked a tad familiar, I had tried out for the varsity team earlier this year and that’s where I must have seen her. She was busy texting on her iphone under the desk. I suppressed a shiver, I felt like someone was watching me. I turned and saw Alex Harrington watching me, he winked and I turned back to the front my cheeks burning. Alex Harrington, I learnt earlier, was the school’s player, bad ass, and trouble maker and so on, reputation of sleeping with girls and getting in trouble even, so I’ve heard, arrested.  The bell finally rang and I all but bolted out of there.

Now was the hard bit. Finding a place to sit in the cafeteria. I did not want to sit by myself like a complete loner, but I was the new girl, I didn’t know anyone so what choice did I have? I decide to not have lunch at all and go out and sit on the bleachers, hopefully no one would see me by myself. Two girls who I faintly recognised in two of my class saw me and waved me over. I made my way awkwardly to their table. “Sit with us!” one of the girl’s said smiling warmly. They were both really pretty, I’m surprised they weren’t sitting at the ‘popular table’ “I’m Chelsea and this is Isabelle.” They were really funny and I felt really comfortable with them as the weeks flew by I think it was safe to say that they were my friends.


“I can’t believe that they are going out! I mean they always break up and get back together, like seriously! Make up your mind!” Chelsea ranted. Isabelle rolled her eyes. I laughed. “You have a complete crush on him.” I declared. Chelsea flushed. “I do not!”  Isabelle groaned. “You do and seriously, my ears are bleeding from the amount of times you talk about him.” she threw her hands up. “Alright! I’ll shut up now.” I smiled. “I should get going to bio. See ya two later.” I waved goodbye and went over to my locker sifting through my belongings looking for my bio books. “Hey there.” I groaned inwardly. For the past week I’ve noticed Alex Harrington watching me more times than I care to admit, I’ve always dreaded the time he would approach me. “Hi.” I muttered, I tried to ignore the fact that a freaking hot guy was standing right next to me. Before he could say anything else Mackenzie was here getting all over him. It was really disgusting, I never understood why some girls felt the need to bat their eyelashes and twirl their hair around their finger. I slammed my locker door and walked off.

After a minute someone caught up to me and I mentally cursed. “No need to get jealous and storm off babe.” I stopped to face him. “One, its Laurel and two, I am not jealous.” he gave me a crooked smile. “Sure you weren’t.” I rolled my eyes and kept walking. “You going to the party tonight?” he asked. “I wasn’t invited to anything.” I snapped. I was about to be late to class. “Everyone is invited.” he said simply. “Why do you even care if I go?” he shrugged. “Maybe I don’t, just wanted to see if you needed a ride.” then he winked and gave me a dirty smile. I gasped only just getting it. I smack his arm. “You asshole!” I glared at him. He held his hands up in defence. “You said it not me.” I stormed away from him. He hurried after me. “I was kidding. I meant if you needed someone to bring you to the party.” “I hardly know you.” I pointed out.  “Then we’ll get to know each other.” his expression was pretty neutral but if I’m not mistaken, a bit of  hope flickered in his eyes. Without thinking the words came out. “I’ll think about it.” I mentally face palmed. I should have just said no. I hurried into my class before I could say something else stupid.

School was over too soon. I made up my mind that I would go to the party and let Alex give me a ride there. Mainly because when I told Chels and Izzy they pestered me all day to say yes, besides I felt awful for the two, every time we were invited to a party I bailed on them. I debated where I should go and find Alex, not that I had to because at my locker he came, a text book in his hand. “You dropped this earlier.” I took it from him gratefully. “Thanks.” he looked at me expectantly. I took a deep breath and prayed that I wouldn’t regret this. “I’ll come with you to the party.” he gave me a real smile, not the half ones he usually does, and for a moment, I forgot that he was the school’s player and bad ass. “So, I’ll text you my address.” I gave him a small smile and turned back to my locker. After a few seconds I realised he wasn’t leaving and I faced him again. “Can I help you?” He gave me another half smile. “You can’t text me without my number.” I eyed him suspiciously, then glanced down at the text book in my hands. “I strongly suspect that you wrote it down in my book.” he grinned, a full smile, I had to suppress the strong urge to smile back. “And you say you don’t know me.” he winked and left.


A/N: So first off, thanks a million for giving this story a chance, means a lot! I guess this first chapter is a filler of sorts. I’m pretty new to all this so bare with me. Feel free to vote/comment/share <3 So after a lot of trouble with the cover, I finally have it up! It's not amazing, but it's pretty decent for someone whose photoshopping skills are as non existant as my Iphone 5C. And I put the cast up. If you have a different idea for the cast just comment.


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